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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « Je crois que le rêve ultime d'un gamer, c'est de posséder sa propre borne d'arcade. Véritable objet déco (argument de choix pour la gente féminine!), elle ravira vos amis lors de vos soirées. Apprêtez-vous à retrouver vos consoles bien poussiéreuses après ce tuto! Lorsque que l'on fait quelques recherches sur le net, un Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs revient, une fois fini, à plus de 1000€. Gamer un jour, gamer toujours et ça, ça a un prix. D'où ma question : Un Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs pour moins de 300€ c'est possible ? OUI....en utilisant quelques astuces et en achetant les bons éléments! J'ai donc décidé de partager mon expérience avec vous. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 126 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (250 précédentes | 250 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

  • Table pliante en bois pour apéro pique-nique  + (Réalisation d'un support en bois pour une Réalisation d'un support en bois pour une bouteille et deux verres à vin. Une fois replié, celui-ci est facilement transportable. L'idéal pour prendre un apéro dans la nature ! Un ami m'avait mis au défi de réaliser un projet similaire. C'est la mise en ligne d'une vidéo de fabrication par un youtubeur américain qui m'a décidé de me lancer.eur américain qui m'a décidé de me lancer.)
  • Table pliante en bois pour apéro pique-nique  + (Réalisation d'un support en bois pour une Réalisation d'un support en bois pour une bouteille et deux verres à vin. Une fois replié, celui-ci est facilement transportable. L'idéal pour prendre un apéro dans la nature ! Un ami m'avait mis au défi de réaliser un projet similaire. C'est la mise en ligne d'une vidéo de fabrication par un youtubeur américain qui m'a décidé de me lancer.eur américain qui m'a décidé de me lancer.)
  • 123Tourelle  + (Réalisation d'une Bentolux dans le cadre dRéalisation d'une Bentolux dans le cadre de la formation IMT, à Alès - Initiation à la Fabrication Numérique. Il s'agit de réaliser une Bento qui aura plusieurs fonctionnalités : *Un '''mode "Normal"''' avec affichage de la température et de la pression atmosphérique *Un '''mode "Détection"''' qui indiquera sur les 10 dernières secondes (via la LED Ring) si un mouvement a été détecté et affichera un message si un certain niveau sonore est dépassé *Un '''mode "Jeu"''', basé sur le principe du jeu "1, 2, 3 Soleil", dans lequel il faudra non pas toucher la personne qui dit "1, 2, 3, Soleil !" mais faire "exploser" la tourelle via un détonateur (qu'il faudra préalablement activer par branchement de 2 fils) pendant une phase de mouvement (lorsque la tourelle est retournée). Ceci, sans se faire repérer pendant les phases d'immobilité (tourelle face au joueur). '''4 niveaux de jeu''', de difficultés croissantes, sont codés (utilisation de 1 à 3 capteurs de mouvements, tourelle plus rapide, angles de rotation différents et aléatoires, phases de mouvement plus ou moins raccourcies, pertes plus ou moins importantes de boucliers ou d'énergie). A chaque fois que le joueur se fait repérer, il perd des "boucliers" (1 à 3, selon le mode de jeu et le nombre de capteurs l'ayant détecté) et une perte d'énergie (plus ou moins aléatoire et selon le niveau et de plus en plus importante à mesure que le nombre de boucliers diminue). Le joueur gagne s'il faire exploser la tourelle pendant une phase de mouvement. Il perd s'il n'a plus de bouclier (sauf niveau 1) ou plus d'énergie (dans tous les modes).) ou plus d'énergie (dans tous les modes).)
  • Lampe de bureau  + (Réalisation d'une lampe de bureau afin de lui donner une forme humaine, conçue avec des tuyaux en cuivre que l'on peut façonner en fonction de ses envies.)
  • Lampe de bureau  + (Réalisation d'une lampe de bureau afin de lui donner une forme humaine, conçue avec des tuyaux en cuivre que l'on peut façonner en fonction de ses envies.)
  • Épée pirate 3D  + (Réalisation d'une épée de pirate pour ma fille.)
  • Épée pirate 3D  + (Réalisation d'une épée de pirate pour ma fille.)
  • Compteur de points  + (Réalisé avec du contreplaqué de boulot de 3mm et une découpeuse laser, il permet de noter les points en tournant les tambours face aux repères de comptage. Chaque position est rendue stable par une sorte de clic qui est assuré par des aimants néodymes.)
  • Compteur de points  + (Réalisé avec du contreplaqué de boulot de 3mm et une découpeuse laser, il permet de noter les points en tournant les tambours face aux repères de comptage. Chaque position est rendue stable par une sorte de clic qui est assuré par des aimants néodymes.)
  • Tuto Atelier Inkscape  + (Salut! Si tu es là c'est que tu dois vouloir faire ton propre porte clé à la laser! Avec ce tutoriel, rien de plus simple!)
  • Mölkky  + (Se pratiquant en plein air, l'objectif du Se pratiquant en plein air, l'objectif du Mölkky est de marquer exactement cinquante points en renversant des quilles numérotées de 1 à 12 avec un bâton de bois (le ''Mölkky'', en finlandais). Après avoir joué à plusieurs reprises au Mölkky, nous avions envie d’en avoir un pour profiter des journées ensoleillées avec nos amis. Alors plutôt que de l’acheter, nous nous sommes demandés si nous ne pouvions pas le faire nous-mêmes avec les moyens du bord !faire nous-mêmes avec les moyens du bord !)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (Selon la couleur lue par le capteur de couSelon la couleur lue par le capteur de couleurs, une trappe laisse tomber plus ou moins (ou pas du tout) de bonbon(s) dans le tiroir de réception. Le concept général suit le principe de la modularité totale, ainsi toutes les pièces ont été conçues pour être interchangeables et personnalisable en matériau ou en décoration. Le système mécanique d'ouverture et fermeture de trappe a été conçu comme un bloc indépendant et solidaire afin d'améliorer la solidité et la fiabilité des pièces en mouvement. Ce mécanisme peut ainsi s'insérer dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.r dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.)
  • Étage distributeur de bonbons de la Bento Box  + (Selon la couleur lue par le capteur de couSelon la couleur lue par le capteur de couleurs, une trappe laisse tomber plus ou moins (ou pas du tout) de bonbon(s) dans le tiroir de réception. Le concept général suit le principe de la modularité totale, ainsi toutes les pièces ont été conçues pour être interchangeables et personnalisable en matériau ou en décoration. Le système mécanique d'ouverture et fermeture de trappe a été conçu comme un bloc indépendant et solidaire afin d'améliorer la solidité et la fiabilité des pièces en mouvement. Ce mécanisme peut ainsi s'insérer dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.r dans toutes les déclinaisons des boîtes.)
  • SITU SLOT GAME 999 TERPERCAYA ONLINE 24 JAM NON STOP  + (Slot 999 merupakan daftar situs judi slot Slot 999 merupakan daftar situs judi slot online yang sangat booming dan di minati sekali oleh banyak orang. Saat ini sangatlah mudah bagi anda untuk menemukan permainan judi online 24 jam menggunakan deposit minimal 10.000 Demi bisa mendapatkan permainan terbaik di dalam bermain judi slot maka pilihan yang tepat untuk anda adalah [ '''''Situs Slot 999'''''] online terbaik 2023. Cara melakukan pendaftaran sebagai member baru sangat mudah dan cepat. Setelah memiliki akun judi slot online maka anda bisa bermain semua permainan game di dalam nya.bermain semua permainan game di dalam nya.)
  • Pense-pas-Bête  + (Suite à ma formation IMT Fabnum 2022, voici le descriptif de l'étage 3 de ma Bentolux en liaison avec ma proposition entrepreneuriale d'un nouvel appareil le "Pense pas bête" de la future société "Retrait'Aide limited".)
  • 5 Tips to Get the Fastest Cooling from Your Car's Air Conditioner This Summer  + (Summer is about to hit Perth, it’s high tiSummer is about to hit Perth, it’s high time that you prepare yourself and your car to deal with our scorching West Australian summer heat. The air conditioner (AC) in your car is the only saviour that protects us from the blazing sun while we commute to work or run errands.  Our expert mechanics in Canning Vale have put down their favourite tips that will help you get the most of your car’s AC to achieve its maximum cooling. Remember before you head out with your car this summer make sure you get its seasonal service done for a smooth run throughout the season. AME Automotive offers an extensive range of [ '''car air conditioning services'''] including a car aircon regas service. With their trained experts and industry experience, AME Automotive is the best mechanics in Canning Vale for car AC repair and maintenance. == 5 Ways to Get the Maximum Cooling from Your Car AC == It's perfectly fine if your car’s AC is working well but in Perth when it’s not we soon knows and complains about it fast! Air Conditioning has become the Perth way of life, so how can we maximise getting the most out of the Air Conditioner in our car? Read on we have the top 5 tips to get better and faster cooling from your car’s AC. === 1. Partially Open the Windows === In summer when you start the car and your journey it's better to leave a hot car’s windows partially open.  This is so the hot air can escape out of the vehicle. The Perth summer season is notoriously known for heating the insides of your car and filling it up with warm air. When you sit in the car to go on your journey and switch on the Aircon it will have to work on releasing a huge amount of heat before it even begins to cool down. However if you open the windows while the AC is switched on, hot air will escape through the gap. This makes the cooling much faster and reduces the work AC has to do. === 2. Use the Recirculating Mode === When you switch on the car’s AC and after the car begins to cool down, always remember to use the recirculation mode too. Initially the recirculation mode will help the warm air escape faster. Warm air tends to rise with increasing temperature and escape through the vents. The recirculation mode will accelerate the process. Once you have gotten rid of the warm air the same re circulating mode will circulate the cool air throughout the car.  The science is cool air being heavy settles on the floor. An external force that recirculates it will facilitate a uniform distribution and enable effective cooling. === 3. Keep a Track on the Refrigerant Level === Sometimes you could be doing everything right and still your car Air Conditioner will fail to cool the temperature inside. This might be a sign of reduced refrigerant. These refrigerants cool the air coming out from the car aircon. If you are testing the air conditioner on full heat (or cold) and the air coming out is still untreated (e.g. Lukewarm this could be a sign that your car AC needs repair or a [ '''Car aircon regas service''']. Bring your car into AME Automotive and we can check for you. Get the refrigerant refilled on time and grab your car aircon regas service before the summer hits.  In a Car Aircon regas service we will also inspect all your car’s Air Conditioner equipment and refrigerant pipes. Damaged or leaky pipes can cause the refrigerant to drip out and disrupt the AC’s cooling even after getting the refrigerant refilled. === 4. Clean the AC &Air Filters === When your car’s AC sits idle throughout the winter, spring or even when driving the car air filters and the AC collects a lot of dust. Make sure during any service these are pulled out and replaced (or at a minimum cleaned). A clogged filter will be disrupt the flow of cool air and substantially reduce its speed. With the reduced airflow rate it will take a lot longer for the air conditioner to cool the car. Also, since old and dirty filters force your aircon to work harder and push out the cool air, it will lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. To avoid this always get your trusted mechanic to inspect and replace the filters. === 5. Park Smart! === So simple but the easiest way to make the most of your car’s Aircon is to park under shade.  It always sounds easier than it is as Parking around Perth and in the suburbs can be at a premium sometimes.  Most our mechanics would pick a steaming hot car if they can get a fast and easy parking spot without waiting. Aiming for shade (where possible) and avoiding unnecessary heat will keep the temperature of your car low and the air conditioner working less to cool the air faster. '''Pro Tip''' - How to take you’re parking to the next level.  If you have to park your car in the sun, can you park near shade and consider if it will cover your car if the sun moves in the right direction??  Remember if you don't get a shaded parking spot, keep the windows of your parked car just cracked (but not accessible) to enable air circulation (again providing you feel parking is secure and low threat) – Now is a good time to remind you NEVER to leave valuables in the car and ESPECIALLY in plain sight if you don’t want it broken into. == Wrapping Up == Driving around in the Perth Summer in a stinking hot car is ridiculously uncomfortable. Aa unserviced and slow Air Conditioner will only make matters worse. If you focus on even a couple of these top tips you will improve the performance of your car’s AC and ensure comfortable car rides even though this Perth summer.table car rides even though this Perth summer.)
  • Support ergonomique laptop  + (Support de pc portable pour réhausser la vSupport de pc portable pour réhausser la vue et augmenter le confort ergonomique. L'ensemble est composé de : - 1 plateau de bois d'environ 400x400mm, ou de la taille de votre choix - 2 x 3 éléments imprimés 3D à assembler et à fixer sur le plateau et sur lesquels vient se placer l'ordinateur portable.els vient se placer l'ordinateur portable.)
  • Swimming Safety 101: Tips for Safe Swimming  + (Swimming is a refreshing and enjoyable actSwimming is a refreshing and enjoyable activity, whether you're taking a dip in a pool, lake, or ocean. However, it's crucial to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or just dipping your toes in the water, these tips will help you stay safe and confident in any aquatic environment.
    == 1. Learn to Swim == The first and most important step in swimming safety is learning how to swim proficiently. Enroll yourself and your children in swimming lessons taught by certified instructors. These lessons not only teach essential swimming skills but also cover water safety techniques such as floating, treading water, and recognizing dangerous situations.
    == 2. Supervise Constantly == Never swim alone, and always supervise children near water, even if they know how to swim. Designate a responsible adult to keep watch at all times, especially in crowded pools or open water settings where visibility might be limited. Avoid distractions like phones or reading materials while supervising, as every second counts in an emergency.
    == 3. Know Your Limits == Understanding your swimming abilities and physical limitations is crucial for staying safe in the water. Don't attempt to swim beyond your skill level or endurance capacity, and never engage in breath-holding contests or other risky activities that can lead to shallow water blackout or drowning.
    == 4. Respect Water Conditions == Be aware of the current water conditions before entering any body of water. Check for signs warning of dangerous currents, rip tides, or hazardous marine life. If swimming in open water, such as the ocean or a lake, familiarize yourself with the area's topography and potential hazards before diving in.
    == 5. Wear Appropriate Gear == Always wear appropriate swimwear when swimming, avoiding loose clothing that can impede movement or become entangled in underwater obstacles. Additionally, consider wearing a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, especially if you're not a strong swimmer or if swimming in open water where currents can be unpredictable.
    == 6. Practice Sun Safety == Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF before swimming, even on cloudy days. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if swimming for extended periods. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses can also provide additional sun protection. [ pool heat pump] == 7. Stay Hydrated == Swimming can be deceptively strenuous, leading to dehydration if not properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after swimming to maintain optimal hydration levels. Avoid alcoholic beverages, as they can impair judgment and increase the risk of accidents in the water.
    == 8. Be Cautious Around Pool Drains == Pool drains and suction outlets can pose a serious safety hazard, especially for young children. Teach children to stay away from pool drains and never to play or swim near them. Additionally, ensure that pools are equipped with proper drain covers and safety mechanisms to prevent entrapment incidents.
    == 9. Know Emergency Procedures == Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and rescue techniques, such as CPR and basic first aid. Keep a phone or other communication device nearby in case of emergencies, and know how to quickly and accurately relay your location to emergency responders if needed.
    == 10. Follow Pool Rules and Signs == Whether swimming in a public pool, private pool, or natural body of water, always adhere to posted rules and signs. These regulations are in place to protect swimmers and ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for everyone. Ignoring posted warnings or rules can lead to accidents or injuries.
    == 11. Buddy System == Swimming with a buddy is an effective way to enhance safety in the water. Choose a swimming partner who is at a similar skill level and agrees to keep an eye on each other throughout the swimming session. The buddy system ensures that help is readily available in case of an emergency, and it provides an extra layer of support and encouragement during swims.
    == 12. Check Weather Conditions == Before heading out for a swim, check the weather forecast to ensure safe swimming conditions. Avoid swimming during thunderstorms, as lightning poses a significant risk of electrocution and injury. Pay attention to wind speed and direction, as strong winds can create hazardous waves and currents, especially in open water environments. If inclement weather is forecasted, consider postponing your swim or choosing a safer location for aquatic activities.
    == 13. Be Mindful of Exhaustion == Swimming can be physically demanding, especially for inexperienced swimmers or those swimming in challenging conditions. Watch out for signs of fatigue or exhaustion, such as muscle cramps, heavy breathing, or difficulty staying afloat. Take regular breaks to rest and hydrate, and listen to your body's signals to avoid overexertion. If you feel tired or unwell while swimming, exit the water immediately and seek assistance if necessary.
    == 14. Utilizing Swimming Pool Heat Pumps: == In the realm of swimming safety, maintaining appropriate water temperature is crucial for comfort and enjoyment. [ Swimming pool heat pump] offers a reliable solution for regulating water temperature, ensuring that swimmers can enjoy safe and comfortable swimming conditions year-round. By utilizing ambient air temperature, these devices provide consistent heating without relying on fossil fuels or direct sunlight, promoting energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Proper installation and maintenance of swimming pool heat pumps are essential aspects of ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience, complementing other safety measures such as supervision, knowledge of swimming techniques, and adherence to pool rules and regulations. If you are interested in a pool heat pump, feel free to contact Zealux [ Heat Pump Supplier] for expert guidance and reliable products that prioritize both safety and efficiency. By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps into your pool maintenance routine, you can enhance swimming safety while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing comfort for all swimmers. Conclusion By incorporating swimming pool heat pumps and following these additional safety measures into your swimming routine, you can further minimize the risk of accidents and injuries while enjoying the water. Remember that swimming safety is a collective responsibility, and everyone in the swimming community, including [ heat pump manufacturers], plays a role in promoting a culture of awareness and preparedness. With proper planning, supervision, and mindfulness, swimming can remain a safe and enjoyable activity for people of all ages and abilities. tag: [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] , [ air to water heat pump system] , [ air to water heating system] , wärmepumpen hersteller vergleich, schwedische wärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe anbieter vergleich, großwärmepumpen hersteller, wärmepumpe schweizer hersteller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer
    ller, wärmepumpen hersteller weltweit, marktführer wärmepumpen, wärmepumpen vergleich hersteller, wärmepumpe marktführer)
  • 5 Things to Consider Before You Begin Your Vaping Journey  + (Switching from traditional cigarettes to vSwitching from traditional cigarettes to vaping is indeed a healthy move. However for the best experience you need to be a little cautious when choosing the perfect vaping device and liquid. As a beginner you may need a little help in starting your vaping journey so here is a guide on 5 things you need to know before buying your first vaping device. At [ Ecchoice], you will find an extensive range of '''electronic cigarettes '''and e-liquids designed to deliver the ultimate vaping experience. Their quality products, seamless customer service and competitive pricing, are what makes them Australia’s best vape brand to [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide''']'''.'''
    == 5 Things to Consider Before You Start Vaping == The vaping experience that you will have depends largely on the devices and vape juice that you choose. Along with the right equipment, here is a list of the top 5 most important since every smoker should know before buying e-cigs and [ '''e-juice in Adelaide''']'''.''' === 1. Selecting the Right E-liquid === The experience you have with your vaping device is majorly influenced by the type of liquid that you choose. You can go for a regular e-liquid or ditch a liquid and go for a wax. The type of filling you use will influence the texture, flavour and strength of the smoke generated by the coil. It is always recommended that beginners go for low strength that does not deliver harsh hits. Once you get the hang of it, you can slowly level up. === 2. Choosing the Correct Tank Type === When choosing the perfect device for your vaping journey, there are many choices.  Disposable or reusable vaping devices are not the only choice you can make. Vaping devices are available with two different sizes of vape tanks. The smaller tanks are found in vape pens which are known for their slim and discrete style. These e-cigarettes only start vaporising the liquid when you press and hold the button. They are perfect for occasional smokers who want to keep their vaping interests under wraps. On the other hand, larger vape tanks are found in bigger vaping devices like a box mod. Since these tanks have a much higher capacity, they produce thicker clouds of smoke. Some of the devices also come with adjustable settings and long battery life for continuous service. === 3. Portability & Discretion === Most vaping devices are portable. However you might be looking for something more discreet, especially when you’re using it in public. In this case vape pens are the best choice for a few puffs on the go.  If you are looking for something stronger that you can use at home, go for a vape kit. Some smokers simply cannot get over the aesthetics and slim build of a regular cigarette. If you are one of them, then go for cig-a-likes. These devices look exactly like a traditional cigarette and come with a slim, tiny battery to keep them running for hours. === 4. Budget === Before you [ '''buy electronic cigarettes in Adelaide'''], you should chalk out your budget. After all, a tight budget will narrow down your options. The cost of disposable vaping devices can range from anywhere between $10 to $40, depending on the brand. And the cost of reusable vaping devices can range from $25 to $100. However based on your usage, disposable waves can last a few days or a week at max, while a reusable e-cig can be used for at least 6 to 7 months which makes it a much more cost-effective investment in the long term. 5. Warranty & Support It's always nice to know that the brand has your back in case anything goes wrong with your product. Along with choosing the right product type, you also need to choose a reliable brand for the ultimate experience. Make sure you look for a brand with substantial industry experience, a dedicated customer support wing and warranty coverage to tackle unexpected product-related issues. == Final Thoughts == The switch from traditional cigarettes to vaping may seem daunting but choosing the right device and e-liquids will ease your journey and make it more enjoyable. The one thing that remains constant at every stage of your vaping journey is quality. Whether it's the device, the e-liquid or the customer service provided by the brand, quality should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.
    lity should be your priority.  When you think vaping think Ecchoice.)
  • Tabouret sablier  + (Tabouret sablier, pour le retour au calme des enfants ou simplement pour décorer. Original avec ses formes de pyramide, alliant différents matériaux (bois, plexiglass et métal) pour un style moderne et design. Réalisé en découpe laser. )
  • Tabouret sablier  + (Tabouret sablier, pour le retour au calme des enfants ou simplement pour décorer. Original avec ses formes de pyramide, alliant différents matériaux (bois, plexiglass et métal) pour un style moderne et design. Réalisé en découpe laser. )
  • Tactus, Horloge pour malvoyant, aveugle  + (Tactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensiTactus est un objet tactile qui rend sensible la perception du temps. Elle est une réponse à la lisibilité de l’heure pour malvoyants et aveugles de manière autonome. Cette horloge peut être fabriquée au sein de lieux d’entraide comme les fablab par exemple. Le design simple de Tactus permet rien qu’en la touchant de connaitre l’heure. Elle se compose de deux disques, un disque servant d’aiguille pour les heures ainsi qu’un disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.disque servant de cadran écrit en Braille.)
  • Test création tutoriel  + (Test de création pour vérifier le fonctionnement de la plateforme.)
  • ZExpermiment - Gravure de croquis à la laser  + (Tester les différents traitement pré-produTester les différents traitement pré-production et les algorithmes de gravure pour optimiser le rendu d'une gravure d'un crayonné sur stratifié. J'ai voulu réaliser un marque-page, sur la base d'un crayonné réalisé par Katherine Delacroix... Mais mes premiers essai se sont heurtés à plusieurs problèmes : Matériau trop friable, traitement de l'image avant gravure non optimum, choix de l’algorithme de tramage de la trotec... Voici un compte rendu de mes tâtonnements pour obtenir le rendu de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible. de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible.)
  • ZExpermiment - Gravure de croquis à la laser  + (Tester les différents traitement pré-produTester les différents traitement pré-production et les algorithmes de gravure pour optimiser le rendu d'une gravure d'un crayonné sur stratifié. J'ai voulu réaliser un marque-page, sur la base d'un crayonné réalisé par Katherine Delacroix... Mais mes premiers essai se sont heurtés à plusieurs problèmes : Matériau trop friable, traitement de l'image avant gravure non optimum, choix de l’algorithme de tramage de la trotec... Voici un compte rendu de mes tâtonnements pour obtenir le rendu de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible. de gravure le plus satisfaisant possible.)
  • Créer un compte "The Things Network" et rejoindre une communauté  + (The Things Network est un réseau communautThe Things Network est un réseau communautaire et open source mondiale pour l'Internet des Objets. Ce réseau est basé sur la technologie LoRa. Il permet aux utilisateurs de déployer des passerelles ou simplement d'utiliser les passerelles existantes pour transmettre les données de leurs objets connectés. Le site "The Things Network" est uniquement en anglais mais ce tuto en français permettra aux non anglophones de s"inscrire facilement et de rejoindre une communauté. Généralement une communauté correspond à une ville.ent une communauté correspond à une ville.)
  • Déployer une passerelle LoRaWAN pour The Things Network  + (The Things Network est un réseau communautThe Things Network est un réseau communautaire et open source mondial pour l'Internet des objets utilisant la technologie LoRa. Il est possible d'utiliser librement ce réseau mais il est aussi possible d'aider à étendre le réseau en déployant des passerelles. Dans ce tuto nous allons voir comment assembler et déployer une passerelle LoRaWAN sur The Things Network à partir du Kit LoRaWAN Seeed avec Raspberry Pi 3. On peut par exemple trouver ce kit ici :
  • The Things Network  + (The Things Network est un réseau communautThe Things Network est un réseau communautaire et open source mondial pour l'Internet des objets utilisant la technologie LoRa. Il est possible d'utiliser librement ce réseau mais il est aussi possible d'aider à étendre le réseau en déployant des passerelles. Dans ce tuto nous allons voir comment assembler et déployer une passerelle LoRaWAN sur The Things Network à partir du Kit LoRaWAN Seeed avec Raspberry Pi 3. On peut par exemple trouver ce kit ici :
  • Déployer une passerelle LoRaWAN pour The Things Network  + (The Things Network est un réseau communautThe Things Network est un réseau communautaire et open source mondial pour l'Internet des objets utilisant la technologie LoRa. Il est possible d'utiliser librement ce réseau mais il est aussi possible d'aider à étendre le réseau en déployant des passerelles. Dans ce tuto nous allons voir comment assembler et déployer une passerelle LoRaWAN sur The Things Network à partir du Kit LoRaWAN Seeed avec Raspberry Pi 3. On peut par exemple trouver ce kit ici :
  • Créer un compte "The Things Network" et rejoindre une communauté  + (The Things Network est un réseau communautThe Things Network est un réseau communautaire et open source mondiale pour l'Internet des Objets. Ce réseau est basé sur la technologie LoRa. Il permet aux utilisateurs de déployer des passerelles ou simplement d'utiliser les passerelles existantes pour transmettre les données de leurs objets connectés. Le site "The Things Network" est uniquement en anglais mais ce tuto en français permettra aux non anglophones de s"inscrire facilement et de rejoindre une communauté. Généralement une communauté correspond à une ville.ent une communauté correspond à une ville.)
  • Automated Gardening Plant with arduino Uno under the DEEDU project  + (The automated gardening kit is a system thThe automated gardening kit is a system that allows controlling and automatic watering of a small plant. This system is developed for an educational purpose, the plant shall stay at different pupil's house to be controlled. The user will take notes every weeks from the control panel to create a database to folllow the growth of the connected plant What does it control ? -The moisture of the soil, this value will be directly used to decide whether to water or not -The CO2 concentration -The intensity of the light -The temperature and the humidity of ambient air '''What action can be performed ? ''' -A water pump will get water from a small reservoir to put it on the plant -A screen will display the information needed and 2 buttons to control what info to be displayed
    o control what info to be displayed <br/>)
  • Plastic Extrusion Machine  + (The extrusion machine has quite a specificThe extrusion machine has quite a specific output, a line. This is well suited to make new granulate and 3D printer filament. However use your creativity and you will find other applications for it as well. Change the nozzle for different shapes and sizes, turn it around a mold to make lamps or a handle for a knife. The extrusion machine consists in 6 different elements: the hopper, the barrel, the nozzle, the barrel holder, the framework and the electronics.holder, the framework and the electronics.)
  • Plastic Extrusion Machine  + (The extrusion machine has quite a specificThe extrusion machine has quite a specific output, a line. This is well suited to make new granulate and 3D printer filament. However use your creativity and you will find other applications for it as well. Change the nozzle for different shapes and sizes, turn it around a mold to make lamps or a handle for a knife. The extrusion machine consists in 6 different elements: the hopper, the barrel, the nozzle, the barrel holder, the framework and the electronics.holder, the framework and the electronics.)
  • Glowing LED Butterfly  + (The glowing LED butterfly uses RGB strips The glowing LED butterfly uses RGB strips programmed by Arduino to illuminate the 3D printed body. Here the example presents a butterfly design, but any shape could be used. The glowing of the strip and the colour pattern can be programmed using Arduino. With the integration of a battery and a switch, the creation can be taken home and displayed anywhere. It is a fun and flexible activity which provides a slightly higher level of complexity and can be spread out over multiple sessions by integrating many different skills and techniques including 3D printing, soldering and electronic prototyping. AGES: 11 to 18 years TIME: 5+ hours Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives - Creating something more complex from the beginning, which also involves all stages such as designing and testing before making it more permanent and transportable. - Working with small components that require patience and high levels of concentration - Able to work flexibly and adapt the design or steps taken if something breaks or gets damaged throughout the process. - Creating a functional object using different techniques from different disciplines. - A project with a longer time frame which can help support time management. There are different sections of the activity that can be spread out across different sessions. - Designing 3D printable object using TinkerCAD - Using a 3D printer to create a component - Programming an Arduino and involving it in a circuit - Using Arduino to create a programme which works with RGB strips and can change the lights as they wish - Gain experience with electronic prototyping and testing circuits - Gain experience with soldering and creating permanent circuits - Learn about the different circuit components - Creating something that is appealing to them === Supplies: === For the butterfly (or other design to glow) - Computer with access to TinkerCAD - 3D printer - Felt (or other appropriate material for backing) - Glue gun For programming element - Computer with Arduino software downloaded - Arduino Uno board For Circuits (temporary and permanent) - RGB LED strips - 3 x [100 to 220 ohm resistors] - 3 x [NPN transistors such as TIP120] - Multiple male to male solderless breadboard jumper cables - Breadboard - Wire - Wire strippers - Soldering iron - Solder - 9V battery - 9V battery strap - Small prototyping printed circuit board (PCB) - Header pins (breakaway male) - Switch (in this example we use a slide switch) - heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!)a slide switch) - heat shrink wrapping tubes (not necessary but are advised!))
  • How to Save Spotify Music Tracks without a Premium  + (The music on Spotify is secured to make unThe music on Spotify is secured to make unlawful use impossible. For example, once a user has subscribed to Spotify, they can download music for offline listening, but the songs can only be heard within the Spotify app; MP3 files cannot be removed for burning on CDs or playing on MP3 players. But what can we do if we want to save Spotify Music tracks legally and savely without a premium account? Utilize TunePat Spotify Music Converter's remarkable power to maximize your musical experience. It is a magical utility that enables 10X faster and 100% lossless Spotify Music conversion to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, and ALAC formats. Here is a comprehensive instruction on how to download Spotify music for offline listening without a membership.or offline listening without a membership.)
  • Top 10 Cisco Interview Questions With Short Answers  + (These top 10 interview questions aim to inThese top 10 interview questions aim to increase your preparation and confidence. You may approach your interview with confidence and composure if you rehearse a lot. Learn these questions so you can demonstrate your knowledge and make a lasting impression on the prospects. '''Top 10 Interview Questions:'''
    # Could you describe the layers of the OSI model? '''Answer: '''OSI model: It has 7 layers for network communication.
    # What distinguishes the TCP protocol from the UDP protocol? '''Answer: '''TCP vs UDP: TCP ensures reliable data transfer; UDP prioritizes speed.
    # How much are you aware of nodes? '''Answer: '''Nodes: Aware; they're devices in a network.
    # What are the differences between a router and a switch? '''Answer: '''Router vs Switch: Router connects different networks; switch connects devices in a network.
    # Explain VLAN and its benefits. '''Answer: '''VLAN: Virtual LAN segregates network traffic, enhancing security and management.
    # What is NAT, and how does it work? '''Answer: '''NAT: Network Address Translation masks internal IPs to a single external IP for internet communication.
    # Describe the use of bridges in networking. '''Answer: '''Bridges: Connect LAN segments; filter and forward traffic at the data link layer.
    # How does OSPF differ from EIGRP? '''Answer: '''OSPF vs EIGRP: OSPF is an open standard; EIGRP is Cisco proprietary.
    # What is subnetting and why is it used? '''Answer: '''Divide a network into smaller, manageable segments for efficient IP address allocation.
    # In Python, how can multiple processors allow this? '''Answer: '''Python multiprocessing: Utilizes multiple processors for concurrent execution of tasks. Discussions on Cisco interview questions are common on websites like MindMagics, YouTube, BeShak, and Shiksha. These resources offer insightful analysis of frequently asked questions and their answers, which help candidates prepare properly. To further improve preparation, sites like Pass4Future provide complete [ '''interview questions'''] and practice tests. Regardless of experience level, using these resources can greatly improve your preparation for Cisco interviews.
    of experience level, using these resources can greatly improve your preparation for Cisco interviews.)
  • Buzzing Bee Circuit  + (This is a good activity for participants tThis is a good activity for participants to experiment with CAD and 3D printing for the first time, as well as being adaptable and giving more experienced participants the opportunity to develop their CAD skills. AGES: 7 to 13 years old TIME: 1 to 2 hours+ 3D printing time Activity's Aims and Learning Objectives - Using multiple skills, techniques and materials, to create something physical - To be able to link previous knowledge of circuits to the simple circuit used in the activity - Building confidence around creating and experimenting, on and off the computer - To create a simple, working circuit that includes multiple components. - To gain experience with 3D printing and transferring a CAD design to the printer - To experiment with 3D printing - To experiment Computer Aided Design software such as TinkerCAD === Supplies: === - Computer with access to TinkerCAD - 3D printer - Circular battery (lithium coin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motoroin cell) - Mountable slide switch - Vibrating motor)
  • 2D Drawing to 3D Print  + (This will involve drawing on paper and traThis will involve drawing on paper and transferring the image onto the computer. The activity will involve editing and transferring the image to a file that can successfully read by a printer. The 3D printed drawings can then be used for further activities such as stencils, stamps or creating keyrings. This activity is a great way of introducing 3D printing and Design for Manufacturing. It is accessible to all ages and abilities by not requiring participants to design something on the computer. It allows participants to be less restricted with their creativity as well as showing them how to transfer an image into a file that can be understood by a printer. AGES: 6 to 17 years TIME: 1 to 2 hours Activities Aims and Learning Objectives - Exciting way of bringing creative designs to life - Integration of different disciplines (free hand drawing and 3D printing) - Using a computer to transfer the 2D design into a 3D printable design - To be given an introduction to 3D printers and what files they can understand - To learn about vectorisation of an image - To gain experience using drawing software such as Inkscape - To learn about Design for Manufacture and creating a design that is printable - To gain experience using a 3D printer === Supplies: === - 3D printer - Computer with InkScape software downloaded - Phone with CamScanner downloaded - Paper - Black felt tip marker pens - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer) - USB stick or SD card (depending on your 3D printer))
  • Play Tidal Songs on Roku TV  + (Tidal is a popular music streaming platforTidal is a popular music streaming platform known for its high-quality audio and extensive music library. While many people enjoy listening to Tidal on their smartphones or computers, Roku TV offers a great way to experience Tidal's superior sound quality on a larger screen. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with '''step-by-step instructions on how to play Tidal songs on Roku TV'''. Before we begin, you should ensure that '''you have a compatible Roku TV device and an active Tidal subscription''' (if you are in the US, a free Tidal account is enough). Roku TV devices come in various models, so the exact steps may differ slightly depending on your specific device. However, the following guide should provide a general overview that applies to most Roku TV models. To offline play Tidal songs on Roku TV, you need only a few steps and a few skills. The most important tool is '''[ TuneCable Tidal Music Converter]''', the most professional music converter for Tidal. TuneCable Tidal Music Converter helps users download music from Tidal into local computers and convert Tidal music tracks, playlists, and albums to common formats like MP3, AAC, FLAC, WAV, and more, enabling you to play Tidal music on any device, including Roku TV, without an internet connection. This converter additionally preserves the original audio quality up to High/Max and retains ID3 tags for the converted Tidal files.ns ID3 tags for the converted Tidal files.)
  • Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps - Assess Your Exam Preparation  + (To pass this exam, you must have a good unTo pass this exam, you must have a good understanding of Microsoft security products and services, as well as experience in security operations. This exam is designed for security operations analysts who work with Microsoft security products and services. It is also a good choice for IT professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in security operations. Here we reveal the latest [ '''Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps'''] for exam preparation. These dumps help you assess your preparation material and give you a chance to be the most confident candidate on the final exam day. If you want to get legitimate and reliable study material for Microsoft Security Operations Analyst exam questions. To pass the Security Operations Analyst Associate certification exam, I recommend using the Pass4Future platform, which includes Microsoft's most recent exams. On the initial attempt. When it comes time for your final SC-200 exam, having [ '''Pass4Future Exam Dumps'''] will give you the confidence you need. It offers three different SC-200 practice test formats: PDF, web-based, and desktop. Multiple options for taking recent practice tests, practice questions, and mock tests are provided through these formats for all Microsoft exam questions. The secrets of the SC-200 exam are revealed through these practice tests. Finally, Microsoft SC-200 Exam Dumps are an invaluable tool to assess your preparation for the SC-200 exam and boost your confidence. You can discover the secrets of the SC-200 exam by using these exam dumps, which offer recent practice tests, questions, and mock exams. They provide a full understanding of Microsoft's security products and services in a variety of formats, including PDF, web-based, and desktop, making you a more confident candidate on exam day.ou a more confident candidate on exam day.)
  • Noeuds  + (Toujours pratique de connaître quelques nœuds de base pour bricoler.)
  • Noeuds  + (Toujours pratique de connaître quelques nœuds de base pour bricoler.)
  • Ma bento avec disc vinyle like impression 3D avec sillon  + (Tout au long de la formation hybride FabriTout au long de la formation hybride Fabrication numérique, programmation Arduino et Impression 3D, nos ateliers à la Fabrique de l'IMT Mines Albi sont rythmés par l'élaboration d'une bento à 3 étages. Je décris ici l'impression numérique by Ultimaker du disque avec sillon. L'exercice étant d'élaborer une interaction entre un capteur (ici un potentiomètre), un actionneur : un moteur pas à pas (Stepper) et un objet imprimé en 3D. Imaginez un remake des boîtes à musique où une danseuse tournait sur son axe, voici la mienne, au thème d'Octobre Rose, c'est aussi la mention écrite en japonais, sur la face en plexi blanc. Le toit est en plexi transparent pour voir le moteur Stepper et optimiser la luminosité de la led aussi branchée au potentiomètre par l'Arduino caché au 1er étage .
    par l'Arduino caché au 1er étage . <br/>)
  • Enfil'Combi  + (Travaillant avec des grands brulés en centTravaillant avec des grands brulés en centre, Pascale D. a inventée cet accessoire pour faciliter l'habillage, et l’effilement d'un vêtement sans souffrir du frottement sur la peau du tissus. Il s’enfile comme une (large) chaussette, par dessus lequel on enfile une manche, ou une jambe d'un vêtement. Mais son invention peut servir à toute personne ayant une difficulté à s’habiller, surtout avec des matières difficiles (blouson en cuir, manteau de motard, combinaison néoprène, comme combinaison de surf ou de plongée par exemple, combinaison de ski…). Passionné de plongée et de surf, j'en ai détourné l'usage, et je m’en sert pour mes excursions aquatique, pour faire glisser la combinaisonuatique, pour faire glisser la combinaison)
  • Enfil'Combi  + (Travaillant avec des grands brulés en centTravaillant avec des grands brulés en centre, Pascale D. a inventée cet accessoire pour faciliter l'habillage, et l’effilement d'un vêtement sans souffrir du frottement sur la peau du tissus. Il s’enfile comme une (large) chaussette, par dessus lequel on enfile une manche, ou une jambe d'un vêtement. Mais son invention peut servir à toute personne ayant une difficulté à s’habiller, surtout avec des matières difficiles (blouson en cuir, manteau de motard, combinaison néoprène, comme combinaison de surf ou de plongée par exemple, combinaison de ski…). Passionné de plongée et de surf, j'en ai détourné l'usage, et je m’en sert pour mes excursions aquatique, pour faire glisser la combinaisonuatique, pour faire glisser la combinaison)
  • Tryptique Impression3D  + (Tryptique de rappel pour l'impression 3D basé sur [[Posters "de rappel" - Impression 3D et Découpe laser]] réalisé à [[Utilisateur:Edulab - Université Rennes 2]])
  • 8bits & Chocolate - distributeur décoratif de friandises  + (Tu aimes les cacahuètes recouvertes de '''Tu aimes les cacahuètes recouvertes de '''chocolat''' et les '''jeux vidéo rétro''' ? Tu as un mur désespérément vide sur lequel tu as envie de rendre hommage au '''plus célèbre des plombiers''' ? Je te propose de fabriquer un '''distributeur de friandises''' (qui commence par M et fini par M) inspiré de la première apparition de Mario dans un jeux vidéo à l'époque où il affrontait un certain Donkey Kong. C'est un projet complètement '''personnalisable''', tu vas pouvoir construire le niveau de tes rêves pour tes friandises. En effet le parcours que tu vas créer est '''composé de modules''' que tu peux assembler comme bon te semble dans l'ordre de ton choix à la manière d'un jeu de construction. Ce projet est réalisé à '''100% en découpe laser''' (bon j'ai quand même utilisé des boulons, de la colle et un peu de peinture). Je compte sur toi pour t'approprier mon projet et créer de nouveaux modules ou bien imaginer d'autres décorations sur d'autres thèmes, '''à toi de jouer !'''ur d'autres thèmes, '''à toi de jouer !''')
  • 8bits & Chocolate - distributeur décoratif de friandises  + (Tu aimes les cacahuètes recouvertes de '''Tu aimes les cacahuètes recouvertes de '''chocolat''' et les '''jeux vidéo rétro''' ? Tu as un mur désespérément vide sur lequel tu as envie de rendre hommage au '''plus célèbre des plombiers''' ? Je te propose de fabriquer un '''distributeur de friandises''' (qui commence par M et fini par M) inspiré de la première apparition de Mario dans un jeux vidéo à l'époque où il affrontait un certain Donkey Kong. C'est un projet complètement '''personnalisable''', tu vas pouvoir construire le niveau de tes rêves pour tes friandises. En effet le parcours que tu vas créer est '''composé de modules''' que tu peux assembler comme bon te semble dans l'ordre de ton choix à la manière d'un jeu de construction. Ce projet est réalisé à '''100% en découpe laser''' (bon j'ai quand même utilisé des boulons, de la colle et un peu de peinture). Je compte sur toi pour t'approprier mon projet et créer de nouveaux modules ou bien imaginer d'autres décorations sur d'autres thèmes, '''à toi de jouer !'''ur d'autres thèmes, '''à toi de jouer !''')
  • Hausse de ruche  + (Tutoriel complet pour construire une hausse de ruche Dadant 9 cadres, puis détails pour faire en option une fenêtre dans la face arrière.)
  • Hausse de ruche  + (Tutoriel complet pour construire une hausse de ruche Dadant 9 cadres, puis détails pour faire en option une fenêtre dans la face arrière.)
  • Hausse de ruche à fenêtre  + (Tutoriel complémentaire pour construire une hausse de ruche avec une fenêtre. Pour les premières étapes, voir le [[Hausse de ruche|tutoriel wikifab Hausse de ruche]].)
  • Pions jeux de l'oie  + (Tutoriel pour fabriquer des pions pour jeu de l'oie en bois avec gravure et peinture)
  • Découpage Vinyle  + (Tutoriel rapide pour sortir un logo avec la découpeuse vinyle. Avec cette découpeuse, on peut aussi dessiner (pour tester avant pourquoi pas ou pour faire de l'art graphique))
  • Découpage Vinyle  + (Tutoriel rapide pour sortir un logo avec la découpeuse vinyle. Avec cette découpeuse, on peut aussi dessiner (pour tester avant pourquoi pas ou pour faire de l'art graphique))
  • Sandale en pneu Michelin  + (Un abonné à [ abonné à [ ma chaine Youtube] m'a envoyé par la poste une sandale dont la semelle avait été découpé dans un pneu. Une sandale, juste une, le pied gauche en l’occurrence ! A moi de compléter la paire. Voilà comment je m'y suis pris. Après une première version reproduit à l'identique, j'ai cherché à améliorer l'attache en ajoutant deux trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds. trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds.)
  • Sandale en pneu Michelin  + (Un abonné à [ abonné à [ ma chaine Youtube] m'a envoyé par la poste une sandale dont la semelle avait été découpé dans un pneu. Une sandale, juste une, le pied gauche en l’occurrence ! A moi de compléter la paire. Voilà comment je m'y suis pris. Après une première version reproduit à l'identique, j'ai cherché à améliorer l'attache en ajoutant deux trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds. trous et en revoyant le système de nœuds.)
  • Réparation du Blender spécial soupe  + (Un appareil de cuisine pour réaliser de déUn appareil de cuisine pour réaliser de délicieuses soupes ( 1 ) Après de nombreuses années de bonnes et délicieuses soupes : arrêt brutal ! ! ! Un micro-interrupteur de sécurité commandé par un axe ( 2 ) , coupe l’alimentation lorsque le récipient n’est pas positionné sur le socle ( sécurité ) . La cause de l’arrêt : le micro-interrupteur a fondu ainsi que son support  ( 3 ) . Réalisation du support du micro-interrupteur sur imprimante 3D ( 4 ) . Le support remonté avec un micro-interrupteur neuf, l’essai de fonctionnement est concluant avec l’élaboration d’une délicieuse soupe au potiron-marron. d’une délicieuse soupe au potiron-marron.)
  • Openbioréacteur  + (Un bioréacteur, appelé également fermenteuUn bioréacteur, appelé également fermenteur ou propagateur, est un appareil dans lequel on multiplie des micro-organismes (levures, bactéries, champignons microscopiques, algues, cellules animales et végétales) pour la production de biomasse (écologie), ou pour la production d'un métabolite ou encore la bioconversion d'une molécule d'intérêt. Dans les années 1800, Pasteur, Kutzing, Schwann, et Cagniard-Latour ont démontré que la fermentation était causée par des levures, qui sont des organismes vivants (Hochfeld1, 2006). Le terme « fermentation » prend en compte aussi bien le métabolisme aérobique qu’anaérobique. Elle consiste à multiplier la biomasse de microorganismes vivants, et éventuellement à utiliser son métabolisme.(source: wikipédia)iliser son métabolisme.(source: wikipédia))
  • Le Sac en jute pour jardiner ou pour récolter  + (Un bon petit radis, a toujours besoin d'un endroit où ranger ses outils! voici un sac qui te permettra de garder dans un coin tes petites pelles et rateaux !)
  • Le Sac en jute pour jardiner ou pour récolter  + (Un bon petit radis, a toujours besoin d'un endroit où ranger ses outils! voici un sac qui te permettra de garder dans un coin tes petites pelles et rateaux !)
  • Tour de Fröbel  + (Un jeu en bois coopératif géant . Tous sonUn jeu en bois coopératif géant . Tous sont unis pour constituer la tour sans la faire basculer. Les enfants ou les adultes découvrent ainsi un jeu collectif où chacun trouve facilement sa place. ''« Jouer : Le jeu est l'étape la plus importante du développement de l'enfant. » Friedrich Fröbel'' '''But du jeu''' : Tous les joueurs devront coopérer afin de placer tous les blocs de bois pour recréer la les blocs de bois pour recréer la tour.)
  • Oiseaux picoteurs - jeu bois articulé  + (Un jouet traditionnel qui ravira grands et petits ! Pour faire bouger les oiseaux, remuer doucement la planche avec le manche en bambou, de gauche à droite. Le caillou fait pendule et articule les deux têtes.)
  • Livre de jeux (concours Trotec)  + (Un magnifique livre de jeux, façon grimoirUn magnifique livre de jeux, façon grimoire, à la fois beau et ludique, chaque page est un plateau de jeu (un recto et un verso) comportant 2 tiroirs pour le rangement des accessoires et pions de chaque plateau (recto tiroir du bas et verso tiroir du haut). Possibilité de diminuer ou d'augmenter le nombre de page, modifier les jeux selon vos gouts. Notre but était d'utiliser un maximum de matières proposées par Trotec tout en gardant une cohérence dans le design. Notre but était aussi d'utiliser au maximum leur machine laser, malgré l'obligation d'utiliser une machine laser à hauteur de 50% pour produire notre objet nous sommes à plus de 90% réalisé pour ce livre avec une Trotec speedy 100. Les seuls éléments non fabriqués étant les boutons de tiroirs, les tiges permettant la fixation du système d'articulation des pages, quelques clous tapissiers et les dés.ges, quelques clous tapissiers et les dés.)
  • Livre de jeux (concours Trotec)  + (Un magnifique livre de jeux, façon grimoirUn magnifique livre de jeux, façon grimoire, à la fois beau et ludique, chaque page est un plateau de jeu (un recto et un verso) comportant 2 tiroirs pour le rangement des accessoires et pions de chaque plateau (recto tiroir du bas et verso tiroir du haut). Possibilité de diminuer ou d'augmenter le nombre de page, modifier les jeux selon vos gouts. Notre but était d'utiliser un maximum de matières proposées par Trotec tout en gardant une cohérence dans le design. Notre but était aussi d'utiliser au maximum leur machine laser, malgré l'obligation d'utiliser une machine laser à hauteur de 50% pour produire notre objet nous sommes à plus de 90% réalisé pour ce livre avec une Trotec speedy 100. Les seuls éléments non fabriqués étant les boutons de tiroirs, les tiges permettant la fixation du système d'articulation des pages, quelques clous tapissiers et les dés.ges, quelques clous tapissiers et les dés.)
  • Box d'ambiance lumineuse qui se cale sur un seuil de temperature  + (Un objet connecté pour mesurer l'ambiance barométrique d'une pièce qu'il restitue en ambiance colorée (écran et luminaire) selon un seuil de température, le tout piloté par un contrôleur Arduino UNO.)
  • Box d'ambiance lumineuse qui se cale sur un seuil de temperature  + (Un objet connecté pour mesurer l'ambiance barométrique d'une pièce qu'il restitue en ambiance colorée (écran et luminaire) selon un seuil de température, le tout piloté par un contrôleur Arduino UNO.)
  • Sacoche ipad  + (Un petit tutoriel, promis à Cyril, pour réaliser simplement une sacoche pour ipad Pour cette réalisation, j'utilise du wax.)
  • Porte-Manteau en planche de skate/fr  + (Un porte-manteau fabriqué à partir d'une planche de skate entièrement personnalisable des roues à la planche en passant par les supports. 2 niveaux disponibles pour les Pressés ou les Warrior. Toutes les parties du Tuto sont indépendantes.)
  • Portemanteau planche de skate  + (Un porte-manteau fabriqué à partir d'une planche de skate entièrement personnalisable des roues à la planche en passant par les supports. 2 niveaux disponibles pour les Pressés ou les Warrior. Toutes les parties du Tuto sont indépendantes.)
  • Portemanteau planche de skate  + (Un porte-manteau fabriqué à partir d'une planche de skate entièrement personnalisable des roues à la planche en passant par les supports. 2 niveaux disponibles pour les Pressés ou les Warrior. Toutes les parties du Tuto sont indépendantes.)
  • Contrôle du niveau d'eau  + (Un système de contrôle est un ensemble d’éUn système de contrôle est un ensemble d’éléments qui génèrent, commandent, et régulent le comportement d’autres éléments, le contrôle automatique implique un système de commandes fonctionnant avec un minimum ou pas d’interférence humaine. Dans la vie de tous les jours le contrôle de certains phénomènes physiques est nécessaire pour avoir le comportement attendu des éléments qu’on utilise ans différents domaines (la sécurité, l’hygiène, la santé, utilisation commerciale et domestique…) , utilisation commerciale et domestique…) )
  • Comment usiner une pièce avec une défonceuse cnc en toute securite  + (Une défonceuse est une machine à commandeUne défonceuse est une machine à commande numérique équiper par une tète de défonceuse qui assure son déplacement sur les trois axes. L'usinage se fait suivant un programme prédéfini. Ceci permet une grande variété d'usinage avec une bonne précision et une vitesse nettement plus importante qu'en usinage manuel. La tête est déplacée à l'aide de moteurs pas à pas ou de servomoteurs par des systèmes de transmissions à vis ou à crémaillère.s de transmissions à vis ou à crémaillère.)
  • Klaxon pour ZOE  + (Une Zoe est silencieuse, ça en fait son chUne Zoe est silencieuse, ça en fait son charme, mais lorsque on circule en ville, les gens ne l'entendent pas. Pour se signaler, utiliser le klaxon serait trop agressif pour une voiture ZEN. Je propose aux possesseurs de Zoé (et pourquoi pas aux autres) une solution des plus simples aux autres) une solution des plus simples)
  • Klaxon pour ZOE  + (Une Zoe est silencieuse, ça en fait son chUne Zoe est silencieuse, ça en fait son charme, mais lorsque on circule en ville, les gens ne l'entendent pas. Pour se signaler, utiliser le klaxon serait trop agressif pour une voiture ZEN. Je propose aux possesseurs de Zoé (et pourquoi pas aux autres) une solution des plus simples aux autres) une solution des plus simples)
  • Le Chat de Geluck - figurine  + (Une flûte à bec pas comme les autres : avec un oiseau au bout d'une branche tenue par un chat. Saura-t-il résister à la tentation de croquer son instrument du musique ?)
  • Crayon collaboratif  + (Une idée vue sur internet, un petit fichieUne idée vue sur internet, un petit fichier, une planche de bois, quelques ficelles, un crayon (ou stylo ou feutre), un bout de mousse, une feuille et hop c'est parti pour de bons moments de rigolade... L'idée est dessiner à plusieurs, simultanément, avec 1 stylo, feutre crayon... chacun étant relié au crayon commun par une ficelle (10 ficelles, donc 5 joueurs avec leurs 2 mains voir jusqu'à 10 en jouant à une seule main...) jusqu'à 10 en jouant à une seule main...))
  • Crayon collaboratif  + (Une idée vue sur internet, un petit fichieUne idée vue sur internet, un petit fichier, une planche de bois, quelques ficelles, un crayon (ou stylo ou feutre), un bout de mousse, une feuille et hop c'est parti pour de bons moments de rigolade... L'idée est dessiner à plusieurs, simultanément, avec 1 stylo, feutre crayon... chacun étant relié au crayon commun par une ficelle (10 ficelles, donc 5 joueurs avec leurs 2 mains voir jusqu'à 10 en jouant à une seule main...) jusqu'à 10 en jouant à une seule main...))
  • Lampe Triangulaire, Bois et Calque  + (Une lampe style naturel et minimaliste. Très simple à réaliser, elle ne nécessite qu'une planche de contreplaqué 5mm, un ruban à LEDs RGB et du papier calque.)
  • ZExperiment 4 Régler sa laser pour le cuir  + (Une procédure pour régler votre découpe laser. Ces tests ont été effectués à [Ces tests ont été effectués au [[Group:ZBis| fablab zBis]] avec Jessica.)
  • ZExperiment 4 Régler sa laser pour le cuir  + (Une procédure pour régler votre découpe laser. Ces tests ont été effectués à [Ces tests ont été effectués au [[Group:ZBis| fablab zBis]] avec Jessica.)
  • Pied de ruche  + (Une ruche doit être solidement posée sur le sol et équilibrée. Voici mon système de pied de ruche qui se règle facilement au niveau et économique en bois de palette recyclé. Mesures pour ruche Dadant classique.)
  • Pied de ruche  + (Une ruche doit être solidement posée sur le sol et équilibrée. Voici mon système de pied de ruche qui se règle facilement au niveau et économique en bois de palette recyclé. Mesures pour ruche Dadant classique.)
  • Toilette sèche en palette  + (Vis : 10€ Quelques équerre et charnières Vis : 10€ Quelques équerre et charnières : 5€ Cuvette : 40€ (moins chère suivant le modèle choisi) Bois de récup Outils nécessaires : pied de biche, marteau de charpentier, visseuse, scie circulaire (ou scie égoïne), mètre, équerre , crayon à papier, scie sauteuse, équerre , crayon à papier, scie sauteuse)
  • Pimp my fridge  + (Voici comment fabriquer le "Pimp my Fridge", inventé par l'équipe des "Loupchats" lors des LOW TECH DAYS au Tech shop d'IVRY.)
  • Pimp my fridge  + (Voici comment fabriquer le "Pimp my Fridge", inventé par l'équipe des "Loupchats" lors des LOW TECH DAYS au Tech shop d'IVRY.)
  • Peinture à la farine  + (Voici la recette pour fabriquer 1 litre de peinture (environ 3m²).)
  • Peinture à la farine  + (Voici la recette pour fabriquer 1 litre de peinture (environ 3m²).)
  • Troisième étage bento  + (Voici le troisième étage de ma bento. La cVoici le troisième étage de ma bento. La conception 3d était assez contraignante car il fallait penser au passage des fils à travers les deux étages et au maintiens du servo moteur. J'ai décidé de décaler le capteur de pouls sur le coté pour plus d'ergonomie et de style avec la forme de coeur.onomie et de style avec la forme de coeur.)
  • Lance-Rocket  + (Voici le tuto pour réaliser votre propre "'''Lance-Rocket'''" éducatif.)
  • Flipper Louis Adam Thomas  + (Voici notre présentation sur le flipper enVoici notre présentation sur le flipper en lien avec l'environnement fait avec des matériaux renouvelables, fait de capteurs et ainsi qu'un microbit pour afficher le score. Nous avons utiliser comme matériaux du bois, la structure d'une table et des vis.
    a structure d'une table et des vis. <br/>)
  • Light Box  + (Voici un petit tutoriel afin de créer votre propre Lightbox avec le design de votre choix! Quelques couches de papier, une boîte, un ruban de led, et c'est partit!)
  • Casse brique game Maker  + (Voici un tuto pour coder un casse brique simple à l'aide de Game Maker)
  • Casse brique game Maker  + (Voici un tuto pour coder un casse brique simple à l'aide de Game Maker)
  • Maison domotique  + (Voici une maquette en bois simple à modéliser puis à découper avec une découpeuse laser car le matériaux principale est le bois)
  • Joystick arcade  + (Voici une petite réalisation que j'avais eVoici une petite réalisation que j'avais envie de partager depuis longtemps ! Le toucher du joystick n'est pas aussi "bon" qu'on stick arcade pur jus mais il est suffisamment fonctionnel pour des petit jeux ou pour un montage nécessitant un système de guidage à la main. Le diagonales sont possibles. Bref, c'est à améliorer. Le but était surtout de réussir à construire un stick à partir de récupération, et de ce coté le pari est gagné : les switch viennent d'un vieux four micro-ondes, le "retour" du joystick est assuré par un vieux tapis anti-dérapant, au centre se trouve un roulement de roller. Réalisable dans un fablab, le manche est personnalisable à l'infini (imprimé en 3D, faite votre propre modèle !)mprimé en 3D, faite votre propre modèle !))
  • Joystick arcade  + (Voici une petite réalisation que j'avais eVoici une petite réalisation que j'avais envie de partager depuis longtemps ! Le toucher du joystick n'est pas aussi "bon" qu'on stick arcade pur jus mais il est suffisamment fonctionnel pour des petit jeux ou pour un montage nécessitant un système de guidage à la main. Le diagonales sont possibles. Bref, c'est à améliorer. Le but était surtout de réussir à construire un stick à partir de récupération, et de ce coté le pari est gagné : les switch viennent d'un vieux four micro-ondes, le "retour" du joystick est assuré par un vieux tapis anti-dérapant, au centre se trouve un roulement de roller. Réalisable dans un fablab, le manche est personnalisable à l'infini (imprimé en 3D, faite votre propre modèle !)mprimé en 3D, faite votre propre modèle !))
  • Auvent entrée de ruche  + (Vos abeilles passeront un hiver plus confortable avec cet auvent qui protège l'entrée de la pluie et de la neige.)
  • Auvent entrée de ruche  + (Vos abeilles passeront un hiver plus confortable avec cet auvent qui protège l'entrée de la pluie et de la neige.)
  • Pool Heat Pumps: The Pros and Cons of This Heater System  + (When considering pools, many envision themWhen considering pools, many envision them as refreshing retreats for hot summer days. Yet, it's equally important to contemplate how to maintain an inviting swimming atmosphere when temperatures begin to plummet, chilling the pool water alongside the weather. This is where [ pool heat pumps] step in – crucial mechanisms meticulously designed for this very purpose. They stand as indispensable components, ensuring readiness for a serene swim, irrespective of external conditions. The best heat pump for pool have revolutionized the way we heat swimming pools, offering an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating methods. However, like any technology, they come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of pool heat pumps, shedding light on their functionality, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, and more. Related Article: [ The Evolution of Pool Heating: A Look Back and a Glimpse into the Future] == Why Use a Swimming Pool Heat Pump for Water Heating? == Reason #1: Extend Your Swimming Season Year-Round For individuals living in warmer regions, heat pumps present an ideal solution to extend pool enjoyment year-round. These systems function optimally when heating outdoor air above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. While their efficiency may decrease as temperatures dip below this threshold, it increases as the air temperature rises, making heat pumps well-suited for maintaining pleasant swimming conditions in moderate climates. Reason #2: Achieve Significant Energy Savings Heat pumps present an excellent opportunity to reduce energy consumption and save on utility bills. Unlike gas heaters, which provide rapid heating but at a higher energy cost, heat pumps operate with greater efficiency once they reach the desired temperature. To illustrate, think of a gas heater as a muscle car, providing quick but fuel-intensive heating, while a heat pump functions more like a bike, delivering consistent heating with minimal energy expenditure. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, running an average heat pump year-round at 85 degrees Fahrenheit can result in savings of up to $400 annually on energy expenses. Reason #3: Dual Functionality: Heating and Cooling Investing in a premium heat pump model or mini pool heater not only heats your pool but also offers the added benefit of cooling it during hot weather. This dual functionality ensures that your pool remains at the optimal temperature for swimming, regardless of external conditions. By choosing a heat pump with cooling capabilities, you enhance your pool experience, providing comfort and enjoyment for you and your family throughout the seasons. Reason #4: Environmental Friendliness Heat pumps are renowned for their environmentally friendly operation. Unlike gas heaters, which rely on burning fossil fuels and produce emissions, heat pumps employ electricity to transfer heat from the surrounding air to the pool water. This process is significantly more energy-efficient and produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, reducing your carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner environment. Reason #5: Longevity and Durability Heat pumps are built to last, offering exceptional durability and longevity. With proper maintenance, these systems can outlast traditional gas heaters, providing reliable heating for many years without the need for frequent repairs or replacements. Investing in a heat pump not only ensures consistent and efficient heating but also offers peace of mind knowing that your pool heating solution is built to withstand the test of time. Reason #6: Quiet Operation One of the advantages of mini heat pumps is their quiet operation, rendering them an exceptional option for pool proprietors who value a peaceful swimming environment. Unlike gas heaters, which can produce noise during operation due to combustion, heat pumps operate quietly, creating a more serene atmosphere around the pool area. This allows you to enjoy the tranquil ambiance of your backyard oasis without disruptive noise from the heating system.
    == Things to Consider about Pool Heater == Initial Investment: While the long-term energy savings are undeniable, it's essential to acknowledge the initial cost associated with purchasing and installing a heat pump, which may be higher compared to certain traditional heating methods. However, it's crucial to weigh this against the potential for substantial energy savings over the lifespan of the heat pump. Pool owners looking to save on energy bills over the lifespan of their pool heating system from trusted pool heat pump supplier will appreciate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heat pumps. Climate Sensitivity: Best Heat pump for pool rely on on the ambient air to extract heat, making their efficiency susceptible to extreme weather conditions. In regions with very cold or dry climates, the heat pump's effectiveness may diminish, particularly if operating in temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Installation Complexity: Installing a heat pump with [ swimming pool heat pump supplier] can entail some degree of complexity, especially when retrofitting an existing pool. It's highly recommended to enlist the expertise of a professional installer to ensure proper setup and optimal performance. Their knowledge and experience can streamline the installation process and mitigate any potential complications. With proper installation and maintenance, swimming pool heat pump can last 10 or more years.
    == Who Are Heat Pumps For? == Heat pumps are an excellent choice for pool owners residing in regions with consistent warm climates, such as Florida. In these areas, where temperatures remain relatively high throughout the year, heat pumps offer an efficient solution for maintaining the perfect pool water temperature. Even during cooler periods, a well-suited heat pump can swiftly restore the water to your desired warmth, ensuring uninterrupted enjoyment of your pool. While gas heaters are prevalent in regions experiencing distinct seasonal changes or frequent cold spells, they may not be the most practical option for warmer climates like Florida. Pool owners in such areas often find heat pumps to be the preferred heating method, providing both comfort and long-term cost savings. However, heat pump factors such as budget constraints or challenges in accessing suitable electrical infrastructure may limit the feasibility of heat pumps for some individuals. In these cases, alternative heating options may need to be considered. Ultimately, the choice between heat pumps and other heating methods hinges on individual preferences, usage patterns, and unique circumstances. Some prioritize rapid heating and immediate warmth, making gas heaters an appealing choice, while others prioritize energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, favoring heat pumps despite potentially longer heating times. By carefully assessing your priorities and evaluating your pool usage habits, you can determine the most suitable heating solution for your home. At ZEALUX Heat Pump, we're committed to assisting you throughout this decision-making process, ensuring that you're equipped with all the necessary information to make a well-informed choice that aligns seamlessly with your needs and preferences.
    == We are the Pool Heating Experts == Selecting the appropriate heating solution for your pool is a decision that should be made based on careful consideration of your unique needs and circumstances. A inverboost heat pump from ZEALUX pool [ heat pump manufacturer] offers a plethora of benefits, from energy efficiency and consistent comfort to environmental friendliness and longevity.  Imagine stepping into your backyard oasis, the water invitingly warm regardless of the season, the worries of the day melting away with each tranquil stroke. With a heat pump, you can turn this dream into reality. At ZEALUX heat pump wholesalers, we are dedicated to sharing the delight of a refreshing and sparkling dip in the pool whenever desired. Whether you're seeking expert pool heating installation services, quality heating products, or comprehensive assistance with other pool equipment needs, our enthusiastic and knowledgeable team is committed to providing assistance. With our guidance and expertise, you can ensure that your pool remains a source of comfort and enjoyment for you and your family. Explore our French warehouse and office located at 8, Allée du Piot ZAC DU POLE ACTIF, 30660 GALLARGUES LE MONTUEUX for personalized service and support. Related Article: [ Exploring Zealux’s Sustainable Heating Solutions : 365 Days Green Home]
    s Sustainable Heating Solutions : 365 Days Green Home] <br/>)
  • Heat Pump vs. Air Conditioner  + (When it comes to heating and cooling your When it comes to heating and cooling your home, the choice between a heat pump from [ heat pump manufacturer] and an air conditioner (AC) depends on various factors, including climate, energy efficiency, installation costs, and personal preferences. Both systems offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, making it essential to understand their differences to determine which option is better suited to your needs. === Heat Pump vs. Air Conditioner: Understanding the Differences === '''1. Heating and Cooling Capability:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Unlike air conditioners, heat pumps can provide both heating and cooling functions. During the warmer months, heat pumps operate like traditional AC units, extracting heat from indoor spaces and transferring it outside to cool the air. In colder months, however, heat pumps reverse this process, extracting heat from outdoor air (even in cold temperatures) and transferring it indoors to warm the home. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Air conditioners are designed solely for cooling purposes. They remove heat from indoor air and transfer it outside, resulting in a cooler indoor environment. Unlike heat pumps, air conditioners cannot provide heating during colder months. '''2. Energy Efficiency:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency, as they utilize electricity to transfer heat rather than generate it. By moving heat rather than creating it through combustion, heat pumps can provide efficient heating and cooling, resulting in potential energy savings on utility bills. * '''Air Conditioner:''' While modern air conditioners have become more energy-efficient over the years, they typically consume more electricity than heat pumps, especially during the cooling season. Air conditioners rely on electricity to power compressors and fans to cool indoor spaces. '''3. Climate Considerations:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Heat pumps are most effective in moderate climates where temperatures rarely drop below freezing. In regions with mild winters, heat pumps can efficiently provide both heating and cooling, offering year-round comfort. However, in areas with extremely cold temperatures, the efficiency of heat pumps may decrease, requiring supplemental heating sources or backup systems. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Air conditioners are well-suited for cooling in all climates, regardless of temperature variations. They perform efficiently in hot and humid climates, where cooling demands are high during the summer months. '''4. Installation and Initial Costs:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' The installation costs of heat pumps are typically higher than those of air conditioners, primarily due to their dual heating and cooling capabilities. Heat pump systems require additional components, such as reversing valves and supplementary heating elements, which can increase upfront expenses. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Air conditioners are generally more affordable to purchase and install compared to heat pumps. Since they only provide cooling, air conditioning systems are simpler in design and require fewer components, resulting in lower installation costs. '''5. Long-Term Maintenance:''' * '''Heat Pump:''' Heat pumps require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Routine tasks include filter replacement, coil cleaning, refrigerant checks, and system inspections. Neglecting maintenance can lead to reduced efficiency and increased energy consumption. * '''Air Conditioner:''' Like heat pumps, air conditioners also require regular maintenance to ensure proper operation. Routine tasks include filter replacement, coil cleaning, refrigerant checks, and system inspections. Proper maintenance can prolong the lifespan of the air conditioning system and prevent costly repairs. === Conclusion: === Choosing between a heat pump and an air conditioner depends on various factors, including climate, energy efficiency, installation costs, and personal preferences. Heat pumps offer the advantage of providing both heating and cooling functions, making them suitable for moderate climates. They are energy-efficient and can result in potential energy savings on utility bills. However, in regions with extremely cold temperatures, the efficiency of heat pumps may decrease, requiring supplemental heating sources. On the other hand, air conditioners are specifically designed for cooling and are well-suited for all climates. They are generally more affordable to purchase and install compared to heat pumps. While air conditioners consume more electricity than heat pumps, modern models have become increasingly energy-efficient. Ultimately, the decision between a heat pump like [ pool heat pump] and an air conditioner depends on your specific heating and cooling needs, budget considerations, and regional climate conditions. Consulting with HVAC professionals can help you evaluate your options and determine the best solution for your home.determine the best solution for your home.)
  • Hot Water Systems and Maintenance  + (With the summer just around the corner, itWith the summer just around the corner, it's time to prepare your Hot Water System for the hot season ahead. Although summers aren't as stressful as winters on your [ Hot Water System,] the hot and humid season comes with its own unique problems. Today Budget Plumbing will discuss the top 4 most common problems (and maintenance you can do) for Hot Water Systems! == Common Hot Water System Problems You Can Face In Summer == Sometimes our Hot Water Systems are can be overly problematic and just too far gone, if you are looking for a quality electric or gas hot water system, check out our collection of [ storage and instant hot water systems] from the best bathroom suppliers Perth. [ Gas] and [ Electric] hot water systems require equal care in summer as they do in winter to continue to provide warm water despite the increasing temperatures, as we come into the Perth summer, here are a few Hot Water System maintenance tips. === 1. Adjusting Temperature Settings === The Perth cold winters sometimes require us to turn the temperature settings of the Hot Water System higher by a few degrees. After all, your Hot Water System has to fight off the West Australian cold snaps and work harder to produce hot water in the winter; this is especially true if you have a [ storage system]. Conversely in the hot Perth summer heating water doesn’t require extra effort to overcome scorching temperature differences. This can lead your heater to produce scalding hot water. Adjusting the temperature of your water heater lower will reduce the risk of burns and also decrease your utility bills.  Budget Plumbing Centre has many options for hot water systems in your home. === 2. Excess Mineral Build-up === Summers often lead to a massive rise in overall water usage. If you are like my family who needs scalding hot water even during summers, then potentially your Hot Water System will be under a lot of pressure. Frequent and increased usage will naturally increase the mineral build-up in the Hot Water System pipes (especially if you’re in a “hard water” area). This can reduce the flow of hot water, contaminate the water flowing out and negatively affect its functioning if left unattended for long periods of time. A very easy solution is to frequently run maintenance on your Hot Water System and clear out the sediments/Mineral build up.   This all can be done by simply opening the pressure relief valve on your hot water system (usually you will have two of them to open). === 3. Shortage of Warm Water === Did you know that summer increases the need for water in your household?  It sometimes seems counter intuitive, but summer brings with it more sweaty laundry and more frequent showers.  I have a storage system, two daughters and if your family is like mine we get 2-3 continuous showers and there is no more hot water left. We are coming to the realisation that the only solution to this is to buy a bigger [ hot water storage system] or switch to [ instantaneous hot water] to keep up with demand. If your in the same position or your hot water system needs replacement, [ shop online] or [ come in and have a chat] about which system will be the best for your situation. While you’re browsing the shop have a look at the new [ Bosch water heat pump].   Heat pumps are a new technology; they have a larger upfront cost but are highly energy efficient.  This hot water heat pumps reduces energy use by up to 65%!!   Did you know it is also eligible for generous government rebates? This hot water system has Smart Controls to: –     Allow user to set operating time systems so I can turn on with your solar panels to optimise energy efficiency further. –     Designed for easy and low-cost install and servicing. === 4. Pilot Light Malfunctioning === The [ pilot light] has a very crucial role to play in the functioning of your Hot Water System. When the hot water system is aging or when the outside temperature rises above the overall water temperature the pilot light can begin to malfunction and in turn this affects its ability to heat the water. I was pressure cleaning beside my [ gas storage hot water system] and this blew out the pilot light. This meant the next day the family was not too impressed they had to have cold showers! When choosing the location of your hot water system, a well-ventilated area is perfect and if you can protect it from wind gusts this will assist in keeping the pilot light working in tip top conditioning maximising your hot water systems life. Budget Plumbing is happy to help - [ send us your plans] and we can use our years of experience to help you at no obligation.  == Final Thoughts == It’s true, Hot Water Systems of every kind work well and last longer with regular maintenance. [ Budget Plumbing Centre] is your local one stop shop for all your plumbing requirements with [ high-quality hot water systems] that we stand by with top-notch customer service. By looking out for these common problems and calling in a licensed plumber for the larger jobs will keep your Hot Water System up and running for many years to come. If you have any questions about this article of you want to stop by for a coffee and chat about hot water systems, [ contact your local Budget Plumbing Centre]. Budget Plumbing - the best bathroom suppliers Perth.
    - the best bathroom suppliers Perth. <br/>)
  • How to Use a Polishing Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide  + ([[ '''Polishing machines'''] are essential tools for any metalworking, woodworking, or automotive hobbyist or professional. They are designed to smooth and buff rough surfaces, making them shiny and smooth. However, using a polishing machine can be intimidating for beginners, especially if you have no experience in the metalworking or woodworking industry. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use a polishing machine, including safety tips, tools needed, and polishing techniques.s, tools needed, and polishing techniques.)
  • Filet à ichtyoplancton - simple arceau  + ([[ Le programme Planktidex d’Astrolabe-Expéditions] a pour objectif scientifique de mieux comprendre l’écologie du plancton, qui tient une place fondamentale dans la vie océanique. Pour cela, l'association développe des projets de Sciences Citoyennes & Participatives qui donne les moyens à chaque plaisancier intéressé de devenir récolteur et analyste de planctons. Cela passe notamment par la mise à dispositions de kits de sciences qui permettront au final de mieux comprendre la distribution spatio-temporelle des nombreuses espèces qui composent le plancton. Ce filet à Ichtyoplanctons est une des pièce principale du kit, avec le [[Microscope fonctionnant avec un smartphone]]ctionnant avec un smartphone]])
  • Filet à ichtyoplancton - simple arceau  + ([[ Le programme Planktidex d’Astrolabe-Expéditions] a pour objectif scientifique de mieux comprendre l’écologie du plancton, qui tient une place fondamentale dans la vie océanique. Pour cela, l'association développe des projets de Sciences Citoyennes & Participatives qui donne les moyens à chaque plaisancier intéressé de devenir récolteur et analyste de planctons. Cela passe notamment par la mise à dispositions de kits de sciences qui permettront au final de mieux comprendre la distribution spatio-temporelle des nombreuses espèces qui composent le plancton. Ce filet à Ichtyoplanctons est une des pièce principale du kit, avec le [[Microscope fonctionnant avec un smartphone]]ctionnant avec un smartphone]])
  • Caisson pour tirage de cyanotypes  + (Dans le cadre de ses activités personnelleDans le cadre de ses activités personnelles et lors d'animations, [ Anne Monneau], artiste photographe et écrivaine, avait besoin d'un système pour insoler ses feuilles cyanotypes quelle que soit la météo, facilement transportable et stockable. En effet, l'insolation par temps fortement ensoleillé prends dans les 5 minutes, par temps couvert le temps d'exposition peut se compter en heure : d'où l'intérêt d'utiliser une source de lumière artificielle et d'avoir un caisson pour favoriser une exposition rapide et efficace. D'autre part,  le système devait être facilement pliable car une fois assemblé, l'ensemble peut être volumineux et difficilement stockable pour l'artiste. Les contraintes étaient donc, un système adapté à une source de lumière UV pré-existante, facilement transportable et permettant de limiter la perdition de la lumière tout en protégeant le public des rayons UV grâce à un système de trappe. Nous sommes donc partis sur la réalisation d'un caisson en bois conçu sur le logiciel [ Onshape]. L'idée était aussi de concevoir un '''fichier modulable''' permettant à tout à chacun d''''adapter le projet à ses contraintes''' (via notamment la simple modification de variables).otamment la simple modification de variables).)
  • Nen-soi-keo-co-hoi-kep-uy-tin-o-dau-la-co-cua-thang-nha  + ([[ Kèo cơ hội kép] là một kèo đấu khá phổ biến và được người chơi cược nhiều. Hiện nay có nhiều bên soi kèo cơ hội kép, tuy nhiên, bạn cần tìm đến những đơn vị uy tín và chuyên nghiệp. Hiện nay, [ Xoilac tv] là chuyên trang soi kèo chất lượng nhất và có cửa thắng cao. Hãy cùng xem qua bài sau để tìm hiểu lý do nhé. Hiện nay, khi tham gia soi kèo cơ hội kép, các thành viên sẽ nhận được nhiều đặc quyền cũng như biết được đâu là kèo đấu phù hợp. Tuy nhiên nếu những ai chưa biết về [ kèo cơ hội kép là gì] thì hãy đọc bài viết nói về thể loại kèo này cho rõ thông tin thì mới bắt đầu chơi nhé. xem thêm tại:
  • Histoire d'un coffre  + (apres avoir couper les clous sur les plancapres avoir couper les clous sur les planches, donner un coup de poncage, faire sa selection pour faire les pieds, le fond, les cotes et le bois qui fera le couvercle du coffre. 1. fixe les pieds 2. fixe les tasseaux entre chaque pieds en haut et en bas 3. couper les planches au dimensions du coffre et faire le tour (cote, derriere et devant) pour les cote esthetique j'ai rajoute des planches horizontales en haut et bas 4. fixe les charnieres sur ce qui sera l'arriere du coffre 5. fixe le couvercle au charnieres coffre 5. fixe le couvercle au charnieres)
  • Sac à Main pour fauteuil roulant  + (besoin : sur ce fauteuil roulant, de modbesoin : sur ce fauteuil roulant, de modele KSL by Kushall, le dossier en toile (fournie avec le fauteuil, donc) a été enlevé pour installer un dossier ergonomique, rigide, mais souple a la fois, un dossier TARTA. la toile d'origine (kushall KSL) dispose d'une poche a l'arriere (que l'on appellera dans ce projet "le sac a main"), mais pas le TARTA il faut donc ajouter un sac a main a ce dossier tarta. etat actuel : un premier prototype a été réalisé avec une couturiere, et a été utilisé pendant X années, et a vecu sa vie. une partie de l'objet, qui servait de support pour la hauteur, a cause du poid, a craquer, et donc tombe, plus bas que le maximum que le bras peut atteindre etapes suivantes : ameliorer le systeme de maintien de la hauteur, pour qu'il ne tombe pas. faire la version 2, pour le nouveau fauteuil roulant (identique au précédent, mais physiquement different de l'ancien), et une copie pour l'ancien fauteuil, sur lequel est actuelllement le prototype en usage.l est actuelllement le prototype en usage.)
  • Tuto it  + (ce jeu est un jeu pour tout âge, c'est un jeux simple à créer et écologique. ce jeu est un jeu sur le thème de qcm , dans notre cas c'est des questions sur la filière sti2d.)
  • Pochette simple  + (cette pochette est très simple belle ,elle s'harmonise avec beaucoup d'autre couleurs ,c'est fait spécialement pour des soirées.)
  • Boite dmd  + (creation boite contenant appareil dmd pour utilisation avec des laser en labo de recherche)
  • Boite dmd  + (creation boite contenant appareil dmd pour utilisation avec des laser en labo de recherche)
  • Xoilac-tv-keo-tong-so-ban-thang  + ( hiện đang được nhiều người chơi yêu thích và săn đón. Hình thức cược này đem lại anh em trải nghiệm hoàn toàn thú vị và khác biệt hẳn so với những kiểu chơi trước đó. Nếu đang muốn tìm hiểu thông tin chi tiết về kèo tổng bàn thắng, hãy theo dõi bài viết của bên dưới để mau chóng nhập môn. * Over/Under (Trên/Dưới): Đây là kèo đặt cược vào tổng số bàn thắng trong một trận đấu sẽ nhiều hơn (Over) hoặc ít hơn (Under) một con số nhất định do nhà cái đưa ra. === Đặc Điểm Của Kèo: === * Định Mức Tổng Bàn Thắng: Nhà cái sẽ đề xuất một con số (ví dụ 2.5). Nếu bạn cược Over và tổng số bàn thắng là 3 trở lên, bạn thắng cược. Nếu bạn cược Under và tổng số bàn thắng là 2 hoặc ít hơn, bạn thắng cược. === Yếu Tố Ảnh Hưởng Đến Kèo: === * Phong Độ Ghi Bàn: Lịch sử ghi bàn của các đội tham gia. * Khả Năng Phòng Ngự: Sức mạnh phòng ngự cũng cần được xem xét. * Điều Kiện Thi Đấu: Thời tiết, mặt sân, và tâm lý thi đấu có thể ảnh hưởng đến số bàn thắng. * Tình Hình Chấn Thương: Chấn thương của cầu thủ quan trọng có thể ảnh hưởng đến khả năng ghi bàn. === Chiến Lược Cá Cược: === * Phân Tích Đội Hình: Xem xét đội hình thi đấu và chiến thuật. * Quản Lý Ngân Sách: Đặt cược một cách thông minh, không đặt hết tiền vào một kèo. === Rủi Ro Cá Cược: === * Không Chắc Chắn: Cá cược bao giờ cũng có yếu tố rủi ro và không có gì là chắc chắn. * Biến Động Của Trận Đấu: Các sự kiện không lường trước được có thể xảy ra. === Luật Pháp Và Quy Định: === * Hợp Pháp: Kiểm tra xem cá cược có hợp pháp tại quốc gia của bạn hay không.
    háp tại quốc gia của bạn hay không. <br/>)
  • Easy Way to Add Tidal Music to iTunes Library  + (iTunes allows users to not only access striTunes allows users to not only access streaming music, buy favorite tunes but also upload local files from other sources. It gives users one place to collect and listen to all music – including playlists, podcasts, streaming radio stations, local files, and more. These days, I'm attracted by Tidal songs with HiFi quality. And I have subscribed to its HiFi subscription at 19.99 per month. But to my surprise, I failed to '''download music from Tidal to iTunes'''. Based on this situation, I have done some researches and found the reasons and the solution to achieve this goal. To avoid you encountering the same confusion, I will share with you my successful experience of transferring Tidal music to iTunes library.
    = Why You Can’t Download Music from Tidal to iTunes = Tidal provides over 70 million tracks with standard sound quality and HiFi sound quality for subscribers to enjoy music. Tidal is famous for its lossless audio quality. With a Tidal HiFi account, it's able to get lossless CD-quality and High-Res quality audio files. It could be a charming option for audiophiles. But like other streaming music services, Tidal has its own limitations. Users with any subscription can only play Tidal music on authorized players and its own player, the Tidal app, or Web Player. Because Tidal playlists can be downloaded as local files on mobile devices. (There is no Download option for Mac and Windows computers.) And there is no way to transfer Tidal songs to other players without authorization. Thus, if you'd like to download Tidal music to iTunes, a professional Tidal Music Downloader is necessary. It can not only download Tidal music to a computer but also convert Tidal songs to iTunes supported files. = Tool Required: AudFree Tidal Music Downloader = The tool I found is [ AudFree Tidal Music Downloader], which hits on No.1 place in this field. It can download and export Tidal songs to common audio files, like MP3, FLAC, WAV, AAC. And it supports a Lossless output setting to encode Tidal songs losslessly. It can preserve the 100% lossless sound quality with ID3 tags. Now, let's see how to use it to download music from Tidal to iTunes library.
    nload music from Tidal to iTunes library. <br/>)
  • Réalisation d'un photophore en bois  + (il s'agit de réaliser un photophore qui poil s'agit de réaliser un photophore qui pourra servir de décoration de table, que ce soit en intérieur ou en extérieur et pour créer une ambiance lumineuse Pour cette réalisation nous aurons besoin : plaque de bois 3mm, d'une découpeuse laser, de vernis ou de peinture (optionel), d'un pinceau (optionnel), d'un cutter, de colle à bois.tionnel), d'un cutter, de colle à bois.)
  • Maille NaCl  + (imprimer une maille de cristal de sel en 3D dans le cadre des TPE de première avec comme sujet les marais salants)
  • Astuce (s) pour plotter  + (je voulais utiliser le nouveau plotter de Kelle Fabrik pour faire une jolie carte en kirigamie (pliage avec découpe) mais le plotter n'accepte pas le PDF ni aucun format texte. j'ai du ruser. je suppose que cela vaut pour d'autres types de machines.)
  • Porte clés/Pendentif en résine époxy  + (j’ai eu envie de mettre des fleurs naturelles séchées que j'ai cueillies pour insérer dans les porte clés, avec une résine qui permet de conserver une belle transparence qui fait ressortir les fleurs, feuilles, morceau d'écorce...)
  • Porte clés/Pendentif en résine époxy  + (j’ai eu envie de mettre des fleurs naturelles séchées que j'ai cueillies pour insérer dans les porte clés, avec une résine qui permet de conserver une belle transparence qui fait ressortir les fleurs, feuilles, morceau d'écorce...)
  • Box boîte a musique  + (le derniers étage de la bento lux est une boite a musique , avec une plate forme tournante, il suffit de rajouter une musique pour créer une boite a musique)
  • Cale pied porte enfant velo  + (perte d'un des cale pied sur le porte bébé, refaire l'objet pour plus de confort.)
  • Solar System Orrery  + (projet original : https://www.instructableprojet original : , modifié . 1 - Asservissement moteur par programme Arduino en complément de fonctions Température, Humidité , Pression et LED Ring. 2 - Découpe laser des engrenages. 3 - Impression 3D des planètes et liaisons avec tube laiton.des planètes et liaisons avec tube laiton.)
  • LaserCut LS900XP et LS1000XP - utilisation via pilote  + (préparation du fichier + utilisation du pilote pour régler le travail Nous travaillons sur la base d'inkscape)
  • Tote bag wax2  + (tote bag:simple,belle et on peut allez partout avec)
  • Chariot avance aimant  + (un chariot qui utilise deux aimants pour sun chariot qui utilise deux aimants pour se déplacer sur une courte distance, nous pensons que ce projet ne se réalisera pas mais nous tenons quand même à l'essayer ceci n'est encore qu'un prototype en cours de réalisation. Nous avons eu beaucoup de difficulté à créer la pièce qui contient les deux aimants car nous ne maitrisons mal le logiciel Fusion 360. ne maitrisons mal le logiciel Fusion 360.)
  • Montre de poche Musubi  + («Musubi » est un concept japonais qui dési«Musubi » est un concept japonais qui désigne le lien. Il signifie le fait que chaque personne possède en soi une force qui ne peut pleinement se réaliser qu’en lien avec les autres. La montre Musubi cherche à mettre en valeur le lien et l’interdépendance entre les individus. Sorte d'éloge du lien et du partage, elle emporte son utilisateur dans la contemplation du mouvement lent de motifs rhizomiques inscrit sur les disques servant à indiquer les heures, créant ainsi, à chaque instant, de nouvelles combinaisons de lignes et de formes organiques en constante mouvance. La lecture de l’heure est ainsi accompagnée d’une danse graphique illustrant la création, l’évolution, l’expansion, des liens indispensables qui nous lient les uns aux autres à travers le temps qui passe.s aux autres à travers le temps qui passe.)
  • Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs  + (Je crois que le rêve ultime d'un gamer, c'Je crois que le rêve ultime d'un gamer, c'est de posséder sa propre borne d'arcade. Véritable objet déco (argument de choix pour la gente féminine!), elle ravira vos amis lors de vos soirées. Apprêtez-vous à retrouver vos consoles bien poussiéreuses après ce tuto! Lorsque que l'on fait quelques recherches sur le net, un Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs revient, une fois fini, à plus de 1000€. Gamer un jour, gamer toujours et ça, ça a un prix. D'où ma question : Un Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs pour moins de 300€ c'est possible ? OUI....en utilisant quelques astuces et en achetant les bons éléments! J'ai donc décidé de partager mon expérience avec vous.cidé de partager mon expérience avec vous.)
  • Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs  + (Je crois que le rêve ultime d'un gamer, c'Je crois que le rêve ultime d'un gamer, c'est de posséder sa propre borne d'arcade. Véritable objet déco (argument de choix pour la gente féminine!), elle ravira vos amis lors de vos soirées. Apprêtez-vous à retrouver vos consoles bien poussiéreuses après ce tuto! Lorsque que l'on fait quelques recherches sur le net, un Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs revient, une fois fini, à plus de 1000€. Gamer un jour, gamer toujours et ça, ça a un prix. D'où ma question : Un Bartop Arcade 2 joueurs pour moins de 300€ c'est possible ? OUI....en utilisant quelques astuces et en achetant les bons éléments! J'ai donc décidé de partager mon expérience avec vous.cidé de partager mon expérience avec vous.)
  • ...  + (Cet objet permet de calculer la probabilitCet objet permet de calculer la probabilité de l'endroit ou la bille va tomber en additionnant le résultat obtenue à chaque lancer de bille, puisque chaque case est égale à un nombre. Ainsi nous pourrions voir le nombre moyen de points des différents groupes , et faire un classement de ces groupes.s , et faire un classement de ces groupes.)
  • My Lil' Pumpkin  + (" Economic and social progress over the la" Economic and social progress over the last century has been accompanied by environmental degradation that is endangering the very systems on which our future development — indeed, our very survival — depends. Each year, an estimated one third of all food produced – equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes worth around $1 trillion – ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices." - United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals Social progress has been stunted in disadvantaged communities which has contributed to the underdevelopment of the citizenstin these communities. As a human race, we can argue that environmental degradation is a result of the unethical production methods used to over-produce goods that we want but don't need. As a human race we even go as far as arguing thag we have to move towards more sustainable methods of producing goods however this "new and more sustainable" knowledge of doing things is only shared with the privileged few. The marginalized and impoverished majority of the human race is not empowered with the knowledge of how they can improve their lives and also be key players in the adoption of new and improved sustainable practices and principles that need to be adopted in order to leave the world that we live in as a better place for future generations to come. To ensure that the concept of sustainable living is adopted across all social classes; equal access to sustainable principals and practices as a knowledge base and complimentary skillsets must be available to all. Urban farming specialist, UFarm KZN Agro, and agri-education expert, The AgriCUL Institute, have paired up as the My Lil' Pumpkin team to answer the Sustainable Development Goal 12 - Sustainable Production & Consumption. We have used recycled PVC pipes, plastic bottles and disposable cups to create a Hydroponics System that can be easily recreated by the youth living in a disadvantaged communities. Having this hydroponic knowledge and skillset will empower the youth to be able to grow their own food, change their perspective of what they understand to be waste/scrap and begin to understand its potential value, understand that it is possible to grow food without harming using soil and thereby degrading our natural soil, how to grow food without using vat amounts of water as well as the importance of water harvesting as a method of water conservation. Introduction to Water Hydroponics '''WHAT:''' “Hydro” is the Greek word for water, and “ponos” means work. In hydroponic gardening, the water does the work—in this case, the work of delivering nutrients to the plant roots. Simply put, hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil. '''WHY:''' Many experts in agriculture consider hydroponic gardening to be much more than just a cool way for home gardeners to grow a few plants. They see it as the future of food production, because hydroponic gardens can be made to fit just about anywhere and allow even un-farmable areas to grow nourishing food. Because the food is dissolved in water, it goes directly to the roots. Plants grow faster and are ready for harvest sooner. You can grow more plants in the same space as you can with a soil garden, and since there’s no soil, there’s no worry about soil-borne diseases or pests – and no weeding. '''HOW:''' The water culture system is the simplest of all active hydroponic systems. The platform that holds the plants is usually made of Styrofoam and floats directly on the nutrient solution. An air pump supplies air to the air stone that bubbles the nutrient solution and supplies oxygen to the roots of the plants. Water culture is the system of choice for growing leaf lettuce, which are fast growing water loving plants, making them an ideal choice for this type of hydroponic system. Very few plants other than lettuce will do well in this type of system. This type of hydroponic system is great for the classroom and is popular with teachers. A very inexpensive system can be made out of an old aquarium or other water tight container.n old aquarium or other water tight container.)
  • 2023 Guide to Download Spotify Songs without Premium  + ("Do you have the ability to download music"Do you have the ability to download music to your computer without paying a subscription fee to Spotify?" This is a common question among Spotify users. While the Spotify Free version allows you to listen to music online, downloading songs for offline listening is limited to premium subscribers. However, there are third-party tools and methods that can help you bypass this limitation and download Spotify songs without a premium account. '''Table of Contents''' ·        Introduction ·        Is It Possible to Download Spotify Songs without Premium? ·        Download Music from Spotify without Premium on PC ·        Download Spotify Music without Premium on Android ·        Download Music on Spotify without Premium on iPhone ·        Final Thoughts ·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
  • Drone aile à double empennage  + ("Ocean is Open" développe des solutions op"Ocean is Open" développe des solutions opensource et DIY pour les océans. Ce tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'un drone "lourd" pour pouvoir réaliser de la cartographie aérienne et d'un poids visé de 1500g. Cette version d'aile drone est qualifiée de "lourde" en raison de sa grande envergure et de son grand fuselage pour une grande capacité d'emport. Dans le cadre de l'exploration "[ Ocean is Open]", le projet Wilbur a pour objectif de développer des drones à faibles coûts et modulables pour le suivi temporel ortho-photographiques de milieux environnementaux littoraux (trait de côte, estuaires) et terrestres (bocages, zones humides, forêts, …). Les caractéristiques techniques des drones permettront de les construire localement (au sein de FabLabs, de lycées techniques, d’universités) et d’utiliser les données collectées (images et ortho-photographie) par les acteurs locaux impliqués dans le suivi de l’environnement (service de l’état, associations, collectivités...). Une version "légère" de ce drone (inférieure à 800g) est décrite dans ce wiki : [[Drone aile à empennage double - version léger -]]rsion léger -]])
  • Drone aile à double empennage  + ("Ocean is Open" développe des solutions op"Ocean is Open" développe des solutions opensource et DIY pour les océans. Ce tutoriel décrit la fabrication d'un drone "lourd" pour pouvoir réaliser de la cartographie aérienne et d'un poids visé de 1500g. Cette version d'aile drone est qualifiée de "lourde" en raison de sa grande envergure et de son grand fuselage pour une grande capacité d'emport. Dans le cadre de l'exploration "[ Ocean is Open]", le projet Wilbur a pour objectif de développer des drones à faibles coûts et modulables pour le suivi temporel ortho-photographiques de milieux environnementaux littoraux (trait de côte, estuaires) et terrestres (bocages, zones humides, forêts, …). Les caractéristiques techniques des drones permettront de les construire localement (au sein de FabLabs, de lycées techniques, d’universités) et d’utiliser les données collectées (images et ortho-photographie) par les acteurs locaux impliqués dans le suivi de l’environnement (service de l’état, associations, collectivités...). Une version "légère" de ce drone (inférieure à 800g) est décrite dans ce wiki : [[Drone aile à empennage double - version léger -]]rsion léger -]])
  • Chuchumuchu, un capteur sonore  + (<nowiki>Chuchumuchu est le résultat Chuchumuchu est le résultat d'un workshop en ligne dans le cadre du futur tiers-lieu Edulab Pasteur.

    En savoir plus sur le déroulé du téléworkshop :


    Chuchumuchu ("chuchoter" en breton) est un capteur de son à disposer dans une pièce, destiné à sensibiliser au bruit. Il fonctionne de la manière suivante : une fois branché, il mesure le son "moyen" de son environnement et réglera sa sensibilité afin de déterminer une valeur seuil. La valeur captée par le micro est lue puis interprété par le moteur. Plus l'ambiance est calme, plus l'objet s'épanouit.
    terprété par le moteur. Plus l'ambiance est calme, plus l'objet s'épanouit.</nowiki>)
  • Commande et instrumentation de trottinette électrique 500W avec Arduino méga  + (<nowiki>Commande de moteur DC 500W aCommande de moteur DC 500W avec un Arduino mega pour limiter le courant de démarrage et faire varier la vitesse de la trottinette. La batterie est en 24V, 10A.h. le tableau suivant résume leur caractéristiques

    '''3. Programme en boucle ouverte'''

    Pour tester la programmation, nous simulons le programme dans ISIS, comme on peut le voir sur la figure suivante. De plus, nous avons un afficheur LCD pour afficher des données (rapport cyclique correspondant à la PWM à 32Khz, le courant moteur, la tension moteur, l'action sur les boutons poussoirs. En effet, 4 boutons poussoirs sont utilisés.

    BP1 pour incrémenter manuellement le rapport cyclique, BP2 le  décrémenter. BP3 mettre le rapport cyclique à 0, correspondant au contact frein.

    La vitesse du moteur est pratiquement proportionnelle au rapport cyclique

    Nous avons réalisé notre propre amplificateur de courant qui s'appelle un hacheur abaisseur mais il est possible d'acheter un shield

    Il existe de nombreuses cartes pour Arduino pour commander des moteurs DC surtout de faibles puissances et aussi de grandes puissances comme on peut l'observer sur les liens suivants.

    mais, tous ces hacheurs shields mesurent le courant en interne mais il n'y a pas de limitation de courant.

    Pour avoir une limitation de courant il faut une boucle de courant analogique en utilisant des AOP ou CI spécialisée ou une boucle de courant numérique rapide.

    Mais quel doit être la valeur du courant de limitation ?

    Le choix de la valeur du courant est normalement pour le Service de fonctionnement 1 heure pour pouvoir effectuée des montées relativement longue sans atteindre la température critique du moteur.

    Dans notre cas, le courant de limitation devra etre de

    Imoteur limitation=Puissance/Ubatterie=500W/24 V=20A

    De plus, le transistor de puissance du hacheur ne peut supporter que 50A dans notre cas.

    Mais en boucle ouverte, il n'a pas de régulation de courant, pour ne pas avoir de dépassement du courant maximum, une rampe du rapport cyclique sera utilisé.

    Une routine d'interruption de 0.1 seconde sera utilisé pour faire la mesure de la tension est du courant (échantillon de mesure, sample ). Ce temps de sampler est arbitraire, mais ne permet pas d'être plus rapide que le temps de montée du courant car la constante de temps électrique du moteur étant de  L/R= 1.5ms.

    Le fonctionnement en boucle ouverte avec une rampe de 25.5s (8bit et routine d'interruption de 0.1s) permet de bien comprendre la problématique du fonctionnement d'une commande à moteur DC.

    l'affichage se fera seulement tous les 0.2s pour avoir une stabilité des chiffres à l’écran. De plus, un filtrage numérique, se fera sur le courant et la tension sur 4 valeurs donc sur 0.4s.

    '''Algo boucle ouverte'''

    Routine d'interruption toutes les 0.1S

    Lire tension et courant

    Boucle loop (scrutation des boutons poussoirs)

    Si BP1=1 alors incrementer PWM

    Si BP2=1 alors décrementer PWM

    Si BP3=1 alors PWM=0

    Affichage des variables tous les 0.2s



    // include the library code:





    #define Led     13       // 13 pour la led jaune sur la carte

    #define BP1     30       // 30 BP1

    #define BP2     31       // 31 BP2

    #define BP3     32       // 32 BP3

    #define LEDV    33       // 33 led

    #define LEDJ    34       // 34 led

    #define LEDR    35       // 35 led

    #define relay   36       // 36 relay

    #define PWM10    10      //11   timer2

    LiquidCrystal lcd(27, 28, 25, 24, 23, 22); // RS=12, Enable=11, D4=5, D5=4, D6= 3, D7=2, BPpoussoir=26

    // Configuration des variables

    unsigned   int UmoteurF = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

    unsigned   int Umoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur4 = 0;

    unsigned   int ImoteurF = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur4 = 0;

    byte Rcy=0 ;    //rapport cyclique  8bit

    unsigned    int temps;

    // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board

    void setup() {

    pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino

    pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);

    pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2

    //  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);

    Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000

    Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt

    lcd.begin(20, 4);


    TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)
    />pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino<br /><br />pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2<br /><br />//  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);<br /><br />Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000<br /><br />Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt<br /><br />lcd.begin(20, 4);<br /><br />Serial1.begin(9600);<br /><br />TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)</nowiki>)
  • Commande et instrumentation de trottinette électrique 500W avec Arduino méga  + (<nowiki>Commande de moteur DC 500W aCommande de moteur DC 500W avec un Arduino mega pour limiter le courant de démarrage et faire varier la vitesse de la trottinette. La batterie est en 24V, 10A.h. le tableau suivant résume leur caractéristiques

    '''3. Programme en boucle ouverte'''

    Pour tester la programmation, nous simulons le programme dans ISIS, comme on peut le voir sur la figure suivante. De plus, nous avons un afficheur LCD pour afficher des données (rapport cyclique correspondant à la PWM à 32Khz, le courant moteur, la tension moteur, l'action sur les boutons poussoirs. En effet, 4 boutons poussoirs sont utilisés.

    BP1 pour incrémenter manuellement le rapport cyclique, BP2 le  décrémenter. BP3 mettre le rapport cyclique à 0, correspondant au contact frein.

    La vitesse du moteur est pratiquement proportionnelle au rapport cyclique

    Nous avons réalisé notre propre amplificateur de courant qui s'appelle un hacheur abaisseur mais il est possible d'acheter un shield

    Il existe de nombreuses cartes pour Arduino pour commander des moteurs DC surtout de faibles puissances et aussi de grandes puissances comme on peut l'observer sur les liens suivants.

    mais, tous ces hacheurs shields mesurent le courant en interne mais il n'y a pas de limitation de courant.

    Pour avoir une limitation de courant il faut une boucle de courant analogique en utilisant des AOP ou CI spécialisée ou une boucle de courant numérique rapide.

    Mais quel doit être la valeur du courant de limitation ?

    Le choix de la valeur du courant est normalement pour le Service de fonctionnement 1 heure pour pouvoir effectuée des montées relativement longue sans atteindre la température critique du moteur.

    Dans notre cas, le courant de limitation devra etre de

    Imoteur limitation=Puissance/Ubatterie=500W/24 V=20A

    De plus, le transistor de puissance du hacheur ne peut supporter que 50A dans notre cas.

    Mais en boucle ouverte, il n'a pas de régulation de courant, pour ne pas avoir de dépassement du courant maximum, une rampe du rapport cyclique sera utilisé.

    Une routine d'interruption de 0.1 seconde sera utilisé pour faire la mesure de la tension est du courant (échantillon de mesure, sample ). Ce temps de sampler est arbitraire, mais ne permet pas d'être plus rapide que le temps de montée du courant car la constante de temps électrique du moteur étant de  L/R= 1.5ms.

    Le fonctionnement en boucle ouverte avec une rampe de 25.5s (8bit et routine d'interruption de 0.1s) permet de bien comprendre la problématique du fonctionnement d'une commande à moteur DC.

    l'affichage se fera seulement tous les 0.2s pour avoir une stabilité des chiffres à l’écran. De plus, un filtrage numérique, se fera sur le courant et la tension sur 4 valeurs donc sur 0.4s.

    '''Algo boucle ouverte'''

    Routine d'interruption toutes les 0.1S

    Lire tension et courant

    Boucle loop (scrutation des boutons poussoirs)

    Si BP1=1 alors incrementer PWM

    Si BP2=1 alors décrementer PWM

    Si BP3=1 alors PWM=0

    Affichage des variables tous les 0.2s



    // include the library code:





    #define Led     13       // 13 pour la led jaune sur la carte

    #define BP1     30       // 30 BP1

    #define BP2     31       // 31 BP2

    #define BP3     32       // 32 BP3

    #define LEDV    33       // 33 led

    #define LEDJ    34       // 34 led

    #define LEDR    35       // 35 led

    #define relay   36       // 36 relay

    #define PWM10    10      //11   timer2

    LiquidCrystal lcd(27, 28, 25, 24, 23, 22); // RS=12, Enable=11, D4=5, D5=4, D6= 3, D7=2, BPpoussoir=26

    // Configuration des variables

    unsigned   int UmoteurF = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor

    unsigned   int Umoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Umoteur4 = 0;

    unsigned   int ImoteurF = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur2 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur3 = 0;

    unsigned   int Imoteur4 = 0;

    byte Rcy=0 ;    //rapport cyclique  8bit

    unsigned    int temps;

    // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board

    void setup() {

    pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino

    pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);

    pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2

    //  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);

    Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000

    Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt

    lcd.begin(20, 4);


    TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)
    />pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);   //led carte arduino<br /><br />pinMode(LEDV, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode(LEDJ, OUTPUT);<br /><br />pinMode (PWM10,OUTPUT);     // broche (10) en sortie  timer2<br /><br />//  digitalWrite(LEDV,LOW);<br /><br />Timer1.initialize(100000);         // initialize timer1, and set a 0,1 second period =>  100 000<br /><br />Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback);  // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt<br /><br />lcd.begin(20, 4);<br /><br />Serial1.begin(9600);<br /><br />TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0b11111000)</nowiki>)
  • Extinction Rébellion, pochoirs  + (<nowiki>Création de pochoirs et pendentif avec le logo de Exctinction Rebellion (Le mouvement non-violent d'action pour l'écologie). En savoir plus sur eux :</nowiki>)
  • Daouig, compteur de jauge  + (<nowiki>Daouig est le résultat d'un Daouig est le résultat d'un workshop en ligne dans le cadre du futur tiers-lieu Edulab Pasteur. Étant donné l'impossibilité d'accéder à des machines de fablab le projet est en [Work In Progress].

    En savoir plus sur le déroulé du téléworkshop : [[Petit compteur - compteur de passages à horaires programmables]]


    Daouig est un compteur de jauge fonctionnant avec Arduino et des capteurs ultrason.
    auge fonctionnant avec Arduino et des capteurs ultrason.</nowiki>)
  • Répar-Café Mode d'emploi  + (<nowiki>Durant le Répar-Café mensuelDurant le Répar-Café mensuel on aide à réparer les appareils. Voici quelques exemples de réparations classiques.
    Le créneau du Répar Café est limité en temps et il faut s'occuper de tout le monde. Si le temps manque ou si des équipements non-présents sont nécessaires, on peut garder l'appareil au fablab pour une analyse plus poussée.
    Les réparateurs bénévoles sont les bienvenues: venez nous voir aussi pour donner un coup de main.

    Plus d'info sur le site du fablab:
    ;Plus d'info sur le site du fablab:</nowiki>)
  • Capteur BioData pour ESP32  + (<nowiki>L'objectif du tutoriel est L'objectif du tutoriel est la construction du capteur Biodata de Sam Cusumano ( pour une utilisation avec un ESP 32.

    L'ESP 32 permettra ensuite d'interpréter les mesures effectuées sur la plante et de les traduire en trames Midi Bluetooth vers un synthetiseur,
    en trames Midi Bluetooth vers un synthetiseur,</nowiki>)
  • Capteur BioData pour ESP32  + (<nowiki>L'objectif du tutoriel est L'objectif du tutoriel est la construction du capteur Biodata de Sam Cusumano ( pour une utilisation avec un ESP 32.

    L'ESP 32 permettra ensuite d'interpréter les mesures effectuées sur la plante et de les traduire en trames Midi Bluetooth vers un synthetiseur,
    en trames Midi Bluetooth vers un synthetiseur,</nowiki>)
  • MANGEOIRE à oiseaux en bois de PALETTES, sans clous ni vis !  + (<nowiki>Merci à « Potager AutofertilMerci à « Potager Autofertile » pour ce concept et la vidéo où il explique pas à pas la construction.

    Son défi (très astucieux) est de réaliser la construction sans rajouter de fixations pour l’assemblage en s’arrangeant de coincer les planches. Nous avons suivi ses instructions et sommes arrivés facilement à un résultat enchantant.
    vés facilement à un résultat enchantant.</nowiki>)
  • Introduction à la fraiseuse numérique  + (<nowiki>Une fraiseuse est une machinUne fraiseuse est une machine-outil qui usine par enlèvement de matière, à l'aide d'un outil tournant (fraise).

    La méthode d’usinage est dite soustractive, à l’inverse la méthode d’usinage d’une imprimante 3D est dite additive (ajout de matière).

    Le FaBLab est équipé d’une fraiseuse numérique "Signstech 6090DS "personalisée, d’une surface de travail de 1*1 m. et d'une puissance de 1.5kw.

    C'est une fraiseuse 3 axes, c'est à dire que la fraise (l’outil de coupe) se déplace sur 3 axes qui sont X, Y et Z.:

    ●   Axe X => Gauche-droite (Axe horizontal)

    ●   Axe Y => Avant-arrière (Axe de profondeur)

    ●   Axe Z => Haut-bas (Axe vertical)

    '''Pourquoi choisir la fraiseuse au lieu de la découpeuse laser ?'''

    ●   Avantages :

    -La fraiseuse permet d'usiner des matériaux plus épais, et sans contrainte de composants tels que le chlore ou la colle. Le PVC ne s’usine que sur la fraiseuse ('''jamais''' laser)

    -Il n’y a pas de zone affectée thermiquement

    -La fraiseuse numérique permet de produire des pièces en 2.5D (en volume), alors qu’une découpeuse laser ne permet de découper qu’en 2D (contours).

    ●   Inconvénients :

    -La fraiseuse est moins précise qu’une découpeuse laser

    -Les fraises étant des outils cylindriques , les coins intérieurs sont forcément arrondis.

    -La complexité de la machine ainsi que les règles de sécurité qui lui sont liées rendent la machine plus complexe à prendre en main que les autres CNC, et donc un temps plus long avant d'être autonome sur celle-ci.
    dis. <br /><br />-La complexité de la machine ainsi que les règles de sécurité qui lui sont liées rendent la machine plus complexe à prendre en main que les autres CNC, et donc un temps plus long avant d'être autonome sur celle-ci.</nowiki>)
  • Porte à poules  + (<nowiki>Une porte à poules est destiUne porte à poules est destiné à automatiser l’ouverture et la fermeture d’un poulailler. Il est équipé d’un capteur de lumière et d’une horloge en temps réel. Le déclenchement de la porte se fait donc à partir d’une certaine heure (défini par l’utilisateur au moyen de potentiomètres) et quand la lumière passe en dessous d’un certain seuil.

    Le système est réalisé sur une base arduino avec un moto-réducteur à courant continu. L’alimentation est opéré par une batterie au plomb chargé par un petit panneau solaire.

    La version actuelle n'est pas à un niveau de fonctionnement satisfaisant. Il reste encore à trouver la bonne motorisation.

    Retrouver la doc ici :

    Et plein d'autres doc ici :
    gt;Et plein d'autres doc ici :</nowiki>)
  • Jeu de main - Apprentissage du Braille  + ('''''Jeu de main''''' est un jeu en bois p'''''Jeu de main''''' est un jeu en bois permettant d'apprendre le Braille en l’expérimentant facilement. Le projet à été conçu dans le cadre de la résidence de l'artiste [ The Blind] à l’[ Université Rennes 2] ([ Service culturel] - saison 2021-2022). Les trois premières copies de l'objet ont été réalisés en collaboration avec l'[!/ Edulab Rennes 2], fablab de l'université. Son design sous licence [ CC-BY-NC-SA] et reproductible à été co-réalisé par l'artiste The Blind, Joris Fort et Tony Vanpoucke. Cette documentation à été réalisé par Tony Vanpoucke avec l'aide précieuse d'Antoine Glédel, Benoit Gaudin, Maxime Chort et Pierre Sésia-Plaigué.din, Maxime Chort et Pierre Sésia-Plaigué.)
  • Stitch O'Clock  + ('''<u>Le prix inclût 1 heure de laser dans un fablab au prix moyen de 40 euros.</u>''')
  • Advance Your Cloud Career with the Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam  + ('''Are you prepared to advance your knowle'''Are you prepared to advance your knowledge about cloud computing?''' As a Cloud Engineer Associate, you will be working with the GCP environment in deploying applications and overseeing the day-to-day activities of your client's operations. It's a versatile function where one must have a deep knowledge of cloud technologies and the know-how to use both Google-managed and self-managed services wisely. Below is a comprehensive overview of what it takes to be an effective associate cloud engineer on Google Cloud. '''Google Associate Cloud Engineer  Exam Overview:''' The Associate Cloud Engineer certification test assesses your expertise in various elements of cloud solution management. In the course, you will learn how to set up a cloud environment, and also to ensure its correct and smooth operation, which is the key to success in this kind of role. The exam paper comprises approximately 50-60 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions, with a duration of 2 hours. '''The certification exam for Associate Cloud Engineer evaluates candidates across five key domains:''' * Umgestaltung einer Cloud Solution Environment (17,5 %) * Planning and Configuring a Cloud Solution -17.5%. * Adopting and adhering to a Cloud Suite (25%) * Making sure the operating reliability of a cloud technology is (20%). * Configuring accessibility and security (20%). '''Google Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Prerequisites and Recommended Experience:''' Contrary to other certifications, the Associate Cloud Engineer certification requires no prior knowledge. On the other hand, it is suggested that applicants have 6 months of experience working in tact with the google cloud tools and products. It is a solid ground to get the student to acquire the skills for encountering the hurdles in the exam. '''Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Renewal:''' Those who get certified as Associate Cloud Engineers must recertify every three years to keep their status. This would be to take the course again and earn a passing grade. Recertification can be done at least sixty days prior to the expiry date of the current certification. '''Ready to Get Started?''' The attainment of credentials as a Certified Google Associate Cloud Engineer is equivalent to having a passport to the vast ocean of possibilities in the swimmily growing industry of cloud computing. Numerous may be the reasons but the ones that strike a cord are building your career or getting a jump-start in your profession through holding this certification. Take the steps specified earlier as guidelines for your personal learning pathway on cloud expertise with Google Cloud. Check for the Cloud Engineer Learning Path today, and join the release of a [ '''certified training program''']. If you will listen to my advice, You will get a great mark by checking the [ '''Google certified associate cloud engineer practice test download'''] on your study4exam website (for free) for your preparation. '''Conclusion:''' The certification as a Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer shows your ability to function proficiently by means of deploying, securing and managing the cloud solutions on Google Cloud platform. You will be well armed for the actual implementation of solutions and the contribution to the cloud-based initiatives after knowing and applying all the areas of expertise we have studied in this study guide. The cloud computing industry is dynamic and comes with a ton of growing opportunities. Begin your journey today by taking up exciting realms of cloud computing.our journey today by taking up exciting realms of cloud computing.)
  • What is Bonus Shares  + ('''Bonus shares''' are free additional sha'''Bonus shares''' are free additional shares that are issued to existing shareholders based on the amount of shares they own. Rather than being given as dividends, the company's cumulative earnings are turned into free shares. For instance, if a firm offers one bonus share for two shares, an existing shareholder will receive one more shares for two existing share. Let’s assume that a shareholder owns 1,000 shares in the company. He will receive 500 bonus shares when the firm releases bonus shares, i.e. (1000 * 1/2 = 500). The terms '''"record date"''' and '''"ex-date"''' are used when the corporation issues bonus shares to its shareholders. Let's look at what the terms "record date" and "ex-date" mean: == What is the record date of bonus shares? == The record date is the cut-off date set by the corporation for bonus shares eligibility. The corporation will issue bonus shares to all shareholders who have shares in their '''Demat account''' on the record date. == What is Ex-Date of bonus shares? == The record date is one day prior than the ex-date. To be eligible for bonus shares, an investor must purchase the shares at least one day before the ex-date. == The following are the two different types of bonus shares: == 1) Bonus shares that are fully paid 2) Bonus shares that are partly paid === Bonus Shares that are fully paid === Fully paid bonus shares are those that are distributed at no additional expense in proportion to the amount of stock held by investors. Bonus shares of this type can be obtained from the following sources: 1)      Profit and loss account 2)      Security Premium Account 3)      Capital Reserves 4)      Capital redemption reserves === Bonus Shares that are paid partly === Let's start with a definition of a partly-paid share before moving on to party-paid up bonus shares. A partly paid share is one that has only been partially paid in comparison to the full issue price. It means that an investor can purchase partially paid shares without having to pay the entire issue price. However, when the corporation makes calls, the remaining sum for partially paid shares can be paid in installments. When a bonus is applied to partly-paid shares and changed into fully paid shares without calling out the uncalled amount through profit capitalization, partially-paid up bonus shares are generated. Partly paid-up bonus shares, on the other hand, cannot be issued through a capital redemption reserve account or a security account, unlike fully paid-up bonus shares. == Advantages of Bonus Shares == '''From the viewpoint of the Investor's''' 1) When investors receive bonus shares from the corporation, they are not required to pay any taxes. 2) Bonus shares are useful to long-term shareholders who want to increase the value of their investment. 3) Bonus shares are issued by the company at no cost to shareholders, increasing the number of outstanding shares of an investment in the company and increasing the stock's liquidity. 4) Bonus shares contribute to an investor's trust in the firm's business and operations by allowing the investor to participate in the company and receive capital in return. Find [ India's Best Stock Broker] because its one of the major part for successful [ algo trading]. '''From the viewpoint of the company''' 1) The issuance of bonus shares boosts the company's worth and improves its market position and image, earning the trust of existing shareholders and attracting a number of small investors to the '''stock market'''. 2) With the issuance of bonus shares on the market, the companies have more free-floating shares. 3) The issuance of bonus shares helps corporations get out of situations where they are unable or unwilling to pay cash dividends to their shareholders. === How to Invest in Equities & Commodities === Find the best commodity and '''[ best equity broker in india]''' Both '''commodity''' and '''equity markets''' are different ways for investors to make money and get a decent return on their investments. The method by which these asset groups are exchanged, however, is different. Commodity contracts are often used by traders or speculators to make fast gains because they only allow one to take positions and do not grant any ownership in the underlying. '''Open demat account Online''' and use [ '''best share trading app in india'''] for start your trading journey with the best full-service providing brokerage firm in Central India.
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  • Découpe laser 60w - Modèle rouge chinois  + ('''Caractéristique machine''' * Découpe o'''Caractéristique machine''' * Découpe ou gravure de matériaux organiques plan par l’action d’un laser * Dimension du plateau : 700 x 500 mm, 60 W * Découpe de carton, papier, bois, cuir, plexiglass,  mdf (épaisseur max. 3mm) * Gravure sur verre, pierre, béton, bois, etc. '''Petit rappel :''' La découpe laser est un procédé de fabrication qui consiste à découper ou à graver de la matière grâce à une grande quantité d’énergie générée par un laser, celle-ci est concentrée sur une très faible surface. Ce procédé permet une découpe précise de forme simple et complexe. Son usinage est net et rapide et offre ainsi d’infime possibilité. Cependant, elle comporte des limites notamment au niveau de l’épaisseur du matériaux, et de la composition de la matière. Les découpes laser grand public ne peuvent pas découper de métal, la machine n’est pas équipé pour cela, et certains matériaux sont interdis car ils dégagent un gaz dangereux comme le PVC, ou le Vinyle.
    * Fichiers acceptés : .ai ; .dxf et .Jpeg pour la gravure
    acceptés : .ai ; .dxf et .Jpeg pour la gravure)
  • Massicot ClassicCut  + ('''Caractéristiques de l'outil : ''' *Cis'''Caractéristiques de l'outil : ''' *Cisaille Rexel ClassicCut CL420 *Dimensions : 410 x 204 x 834 *Le massicot permet de découper un ensemble de feuilles avec précision. Il peut accueillir 25 feuilles maximum, allant du A7 (74x105mm) au A3 (420x297mm). *Il peut notamment découper des feuilles plastiques, papier craft cartonné, calques...stiques, papier craft cartonné, calques...)
  • Brodeuse numérique, Singer Futura XL550  + ('''Caractéristiques de la machine :''' *C'''Caractéristiques de la machine :''' *C'est une machine qui peut s'utiliser dans un premier temps comme une machine conventionnelle. *Elle peut être gérée par un ordinateur.
    *Dimension de la machine à coudre : 567 x 240 x 317 *Unité de broderie : 504 x 411 x 141 mm *Dimension de la zone de travail : 120 x 130 mm Format de fichier accepté : .JPEG Épaisseur du Fils polyester : 40
    ccepté : .JPEG Épaisseur du Fils polyester : 40)
  • Plotter de découpe - Caméo Silouhette  + ('''Caractéristiques machines : ''' *Caméo'''Caractéristiques machines : ''' *Caméo Silhouette (300 mm x 5000 mm maximum) *Découpe de matière en feuille souple à l'aide d'une lame, d’après un trajet déterminé par un dessin vectoriel. *Matières : vinyle, flex, flock, rhodoïd, bâche pvc, papier (1 mm maximum) *Format pris en charge .dxf ; .jpeg *Le porte-outil du plotter peut également être utilisé avec des outils de dessin ou de marquage '''Petit rappel :''' Cette machine permet de découper plusieurs types de matériaux faisant moins de 1mm d’épaisseur : *Vinyle autocollant, servant à faire des stickers. *Vinyle Flex, avec un côté recouvert d’une colle spéciale tissus, pour le flocage après passage sous presse. *Rhodoïd, feuille plastique pour faire des pochoirs *Papier jusqu'à 300gr faire des pochoirs *Papier jusqu'à 300g)
  • Plante connectée  + ('''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capt'''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capteur d’humidité simple qui peut être utilisé pour détecter lorsque qu’un sol est en déficite d’eau (niveau haut) et vice versa (niveau bas). Ce module peut être utilisé pour réaliser des systèmes d’arrosage automatique. # La sensibilité de ce module est ajustable via un potentiomètre numérique (En bleu sur la photo) # Tension de fonctionnement : 3,3V-5V # Module avec 2 sorties: Une analogique et une numérique. La sortie numérique est plus précise. # Le module comprend des perçages pour faciliter la fixation. # Taille du PCB: 3cm * 1.6cm # Indicateur de tension (LED rouge) and Indicateur de sortie numérique (LED verte) # Le comparateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable)rateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable))
  • Plante connectée  + ('''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capt'''Caractéristiques:''' # Ceci est un capteur d’humidité simple qui peut être utilisé pour détecter lorsque qu’un sol est en déficite d’eau (niveau haut) et vice versa (niveau bas). Ce module peut être utilisé pour réaliser des systèmes d’arrosage automatique. # La sensibilité de ce module est ajustable via un potentiomètre numérique (En bleu sur la photo) # Tension de fonctionnement : 3,3V-5V # Module avec 2 sorties: Une analogique et une numérique. La sortie numérique est plus précise. # Le module comprend des perçages pour faciliter la fixation. # Taille du PCB: 3cm * 1.6cm # Indicateur de tension (LED rouge) and Indicateur de sortie numérique (LED verte) # Le comparateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable)rateur est basé sur un LM393 (très stable))
  • Showerloop - Manuel n°3 : Connecter les tuyaux  + ('''Ceci est le troisième manuel de la [[Showerloop:_Water_filtration_and_purification_system|Showerloop]],'''Ceci est le troisième manuel de la [[Showerloop:_Water_filtration_and_purification_system|Showerloop]], un système de filtration en temps réel, de purification et de recyclage pour l'eau de la douche'''. J'ai accidentellement cassé le panneau arrière de la cabine de douche et en ai rapidement construit un nouveau avec du contreplaqué qui a été façonné pour s'adapter au cadre de la cabine de douche. Cet incident a permis un accès à l'arrière qui n’est pas très courant et des modifications seront donc nécessaires pour cette étape. seront donc nécessaires pour cette étape.)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + ('''Context''' This solar roaster was devel'''Context''' This solar roaster was developed with GRUPO PUCP : "Grupo de apoyo al sector rural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". This research group, supporting the rural sector, has developed technologies for rural sector for almost 20 years. After transfiguring the technology of the Scheffler concentrator in 2010, a first solar roaster was developed in 2012. The start-up Compadre improved the technology in order to reach a more ergonomic in 2014. This model is used today by the Peruvian coffee growers : it allows them to roast by themselves the coffee with solar energy. By selling their coffee with the entire added value, the coffee growers have a more valuable job. Their economical situation is getting better, because thei income is tripled. To know more about the positive social and environmental impacts of the start-up Compadre, [ you can visit]. End of 2015, a roaster adapted to France (version having a different height of the focal point, due to the latitude difference) was designed (photo 6328). The building tutorial was written for this version, that was build from February 15 to 22, 2016. '''Let's go!''' [ The 3D modeling of the roaster, including the solar concentrator, is available online on OnShape.] The current version --so far (contribution welcomed ;) )-- corresponds to the geometry suited for Peru (13° latitude). In comparison to the version proposed in this tutorial, there are some slight differences: inclination and height of the focal point, especially. But the drum size and many other elements remain unchanged. If you do not have a Scheffler concentrator, you will find the building tutorial online. (1000€ of materials and 15 days work). [ The Scheffler concentrator manual is available here online.] '''Perspectives''' We hope this roaster will help you in a positive way and we are looking forward to sharing feedbacks and contributions to make the most of this opensource technology everywhere it is useful!source technology everywhere it is useful!)
  • Solar coffee roaster (using a Scheffler concentrator)  + ('''Context''' This solar roaster was devel'''Context''' This solar roaster was developed with GRUPO PUCP : "Grupo de apoyo al sector rural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru". This research group, supporting the rural sector, has developed technologies for rural sector for almost 20 years. After transfiguring the technology of the Scheffler concentrator in 2010, a first solar roaster was developed in 2012. The start-up Compadre improved the technology in order to reach a more ergonomic in 2014. This model is used today by the Peruvian coffee growers : it allows them to roast by themselves the coffee with solar energy. By selling their coffee with the entire added value, the coffee growers have a more valuable job. Their economical situation is getting better, because thei income is tripled. To know more about the positive social and environmental impacts of the start-up Compadre, [ you can visit]. End of 2015, a roaster adapted to France (version having a different height of the focal point, due to the latitude difference) was designed (photo 6328). The building tutorial was written for this version, that was build from February 15 to 22, 2016. '''Let's go!''' [ The 3D modeling of the roaster, including the solar concentrator, is available online on OnShape.] The current version --so far (contribution welcomed ;) )-- corresponds to the geometry suited for Peru (13° latitude). In comparison to the version proposed in this tutorial, there are some slight differences: inclination and height of the focal point, especially. But the drum size and many other elements remain unchanged. If you do not have a Scheffler concentrator, you will find the building tutorial online. (1000€ of materials and 15 days work). [ The Scheffler concentrator manual is available here online.] '''Perspectives''' We hope this roaster will help you in a positive way and we are looking forward to sharing feedbacks and contributions to make the most of this opensource technology everywhere it is useful!source technology everywhere it is useful!)
  • Education  + ('''Cross-reading''' The solid yards of c'''Cross-reading''' The solid yards of collected, copied, and borrowed material can quickly become daunting as you begin your material review. The following tips can help you stay on top of things and get through the work without getting lost in the details: Get a first impression of the relevance of the work by looking at the table [ paper writer] of contents, the bibliography, and possibly the biographical information about the author: does it really deal with your topic? What is the author's scientific background and orientation? Is he/she a specialist in the field or new to the field? When cross-reading, always keep your question for the text in mind and critically examine whether and for what you can and would like to use the text. Have the "courage to leave gaps": When you first read the text, leave out chapters or passages that lead you too far away from your question! Note down ideas, associations and cross-references already during the first reading: Even if you are sure that this or that thought is obvious - it often does not come a second time ... Various institutions offer courses in speed reading, which train you to quickly grasp the content of texts without reading word for word. If you are interested in this: Acquire this technique in advance so that you are prepared for the emergency! '''Structuring the material''' Reading and editing your sources in a structuring way is a necessary endeavor, and it also has many benefits: It makes the content of the text clearer; books don't have to be read repeatedly; you create "material" for yourself that you can work with further without problems. With the systematic reading, editing and excerpting of readings, you create material for yourself with which you can continue to work in a well-founded manner. The excerpted material is a first text form that you have created in keywords. The next step is the first formulation of your keywords in complete sentences. The resulting text represents the skeleton of a rough draft, which will be edited again in later work phases, supplemented by further excerpts and quotations, evaluated, etc. '''Excerpting''' Excerpting means to grasp the content of a text, to filter out the core elements and to summarize them in one's own words in as short and concise a form as possible. If such an excerpt contains directly (1:1) adopted passages (quotations), these must be recorded with the correct source citation and indicated in quotation marks in case of a later adoption. Excerpting is a very important skill that you need from the beginning. In order to [ write my lab report] be able to take any useful notes at all on the particular articles you read, it is essential to read and summarize texts correctly in your own words. This activity will accompany you during your whole working process around the creation of the scientific paper. Very important: The page count of the excerpted text should always be significantly shorter than the original! '''More information:''' [ Each chapter begins on a new page] [ Methodological guidelines for developing and completing a thesis.] [ Write essay]/ Write essay])
  • L'éolienne  + ('''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de rur'''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de ruraux n’ont pas accès à l’électricité.''' CONTEXTE : L’accès à l’énergie, et plus particulièrement l’accès à l’électricité, est une condition indispensable pour le développement économique et sanitaire d’un pays. Or, si la consommation d’énergie mondiale a presque doublé depuis les années 1970, la part des pays pauvres n’a cessé d’augmenter. Aujourd’hui, on estime à 2 milliards le nombre de personnes qui ne disposent pas d’un accès à l’énergie suffisant pour vivre dans des conditions correctes, et à 1,6 milliards le nombre de personnes n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité. Ce qui a des conséquences sanitaires et environnementales dramatiques. Les énergies renouvelables, comme l’éolien pourraient être une solution : '''Une éolienne convertit l’énergie cinétique du vent en énergie électrique.''' L'EOLIENNE INDUSTRIELLE : Une éolienne industrielle d'une puissance de 2 mégawatts produit annuellement environ 4400 mégawatts/heure, soit la consommation électrique d'environ 2000 personnes. Les éoliennes industrielles sont remplies de capteurs, de pièces mobiles, de régulateurs et de pièces mécaniques en tout genre. Elles sont complexes de fabrication et leur impact environnemental à la construction est loin d'être neutre. De plus il n’est aujourd’hui pas possible de réparer ces éoliennes avec des moyens locaux. L'EOLIENNE LOW-TECH : Une éolienne low-tech à moins de 10€, très simple à fabriquer à partir de matériaux de récupération, c’est possible ! De plus faible puissance que les éoliennes industrielles elle peut être utilisée pour des applications locales : charger un téléphone, allumer des LED, actionner une petite pompe… Pour de telles applications, quelques watts seulement suffisent. Cette éolienne peut donc être très utile pour les régions reculée n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité du réseau et bénéficiant de vents favorables. Au Sénégal, par exemple, seul 40% de la population est reliée au réseau électrique en zone urbaine et seulement 10% en zone rurale. La possibilité pour les populations de pouvoir générer de l’électricité à partir d’une éolienne auto-construite serait une belle opportunité.o-construite serait une belle opportunité.)
  • L'éolienne  + ('''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de rur'''En Afrique, près de 600 millions de ruraux n’ont pas accès à l’électricité.''' CONTEXTE : L’accès à l’énergie, et plus particulièrement l’accès à l’électricité, est une condition indispensable pour le développement économique et sanitaire d’un pays. Or, si la consommation d’énergie mondiale a presque doublé depuis les années 1970, la part des pays pauvres n’a cessé d’augmenter. Aujourd’hui, on estime à 2 milliards le nombre de personnes qui ne disposent pas d’un accès à l’énergie suffisant pour vivre dans des conditions correctes, et à 1,6 milliards le nombre de personnes n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité. Ce qui a des conséquences sanitaires et environnementales dramatiques. Les énergies renouvelables, comme l’éolien pourraient être une solution : '''Une éolienne convertit l’énergie cinétique du vent en énergie électrique.''' L'EOLIENNE INDUSTRIELLE : Une éolienne industrielle d'une puissance de 2 mégawatts produit annuellement environ 4400 mégawatts/heure, soit la consommation électrique d'environ 2000 personnes. Les éoliennes industrielles sont remplies de capteurs, de pièces mobiles, de régulateurs et de pièces mécaniques en tout genre. Elles sont complexes de fabrication et leur impact environnemental à la construction est loin d'être neutre. De plus il n’est aujourd’hui pas possible de réparer ces éoliennes avec des moyens locaux. L'EOLIENNE LOW-TECH : Une éolienne low-tech à moins de 10€, très simple à fabriquer à partir de matériaux de récupération, c’est possible ! De plus faible puissance que les éoliennes industrielles elle peut être utilisée pour des applications locales : charger un téléphone, allumer des LED, actionner une petite pompe… Pour de telles applications, quelques watts seulement suffisent. Cette éolienne peut donc être très utile pour les régions reculée n’ayant pas accès à l’électricité du réseau et bénéficiant de vents favorables. Au Sénégal, par exemple, seul 40% de la population est reliée au réseau électrique en zone urbaine et seulement 10% en zone rurale. La possibilité pour les populations de pouvoir générer de l’électricité à partir d’une éolienne auto-construite serait une belle opportunité.o-construite serait une belle opportunité.)
  • Planche à plis  + ('''Générateur de motifs pliable!''' Cet '''Générateur de motifs pliable!''' Cet outils est constitué d'une planche adaptable et de plusieurs modules gravés. Ces modules permettent d'embosser des feuilles papier et de créer des motifs complexes en les prémarquant pour ensuite les plier. Une manière d'expérimenter rapidement et facilement différents types de motifs afin de comprendre leurs fonctionnements. Projet créé dans le cadre de l'évènement " Je fabrique mon matériel pédagogique" - mai 2022 à Rennes
  • Mobi-doc  + ('''Mobi-doc est une station de documentati'''Mobi-doc est une station de documentation facile d'usage et ergonomique.''' Un des grands avantages du Mobi-doc est d'être '''un''' '''"lieu" dédié à la documentation identifiable par le public''' Ainsi, que ce soit en fablab ou à l'école, nul besoin de sortir appareil photo, des éclairage ou un micro pour agencer les briques de ses document : tout est déjà installé sur mobi.doc. Mobi.doc utilise l'application [ do·doc]. : Cette application permet de capturer des "documentations" que l'on peut présenter sous forme de vidéo, stop-motion, . Mobi-doc permet également à chaque utilisateur·ice d'utiliser son propre dispositif de capture et de compiler un fichier directement sur son périphérique USB. '''Notre Mobi-doc réalisé en découpe laser, à la particularité d'avoir été pensée pour être transportable facilement tout en conservant tout ses atouts.''' Elle peut fonctionner en autonomie via une Raspberry-pi 4 et dispose des entrées et sorties suivante : - une fente pour la prise d'alimentation - 5 prises USB en entrées - Une prise USB en sortie - un emplacement pour insérer une souris et/ou un clavier - un emplacement pour insérer le dispositif - 2 emplacements pour insérer les pinces. - 6 emplacements pour un rangement à feutres Les fichiers vectoriels sont disponibles en vectoriels sont disponibles en annexe.)
  • Mobi-doc  + ('''Mobi-doc est une station de documentati'''Mobi-doc est une station de documentation facile d'usage et ergonomique.''' Un des grands avantages du Mobi-doc est d'être '''un''' '''"lieu" dédié à la documentation identifiable par le public''' Ainsi, que ce soit en fablab ou à l'école, nul besoin de sortir appareil photo, des éclairage ou un micro pour agencer les briques de ses document : tout est déjà installé sur mobi.doc. Mobi.doc utilise l'application [ do·doc]. : Cette application permet de capturer des "documentations" que l'on peut présenter sous forme de vidéo, stop-motion, . Mobi-doc permet également à chaque utilisateur·ice d'utiliser son propre dispositif de capture et de compiler un fichier directement sur son périphérique USB. '''Notre Mobi-doc réalisé en découpe laser, à la particularité d'avoir été pensée pour être transportable facilement tout en conservant tout ses atouts.''' Elle peut fonctionner en autonomie via une Raspberry-pi 4 et dispose des entrées et sorties suivante : - une fente pour la prise d'alimentation - 5 prises USB en entrées - Une prise USB en sortie - un emplacement pour insérer une souris et/ou un clavier - un emplacement pour insérer le dispositif - 2 emplacements pour insérer les pinces. - 6 emplacements pour un rangement à feutres Les fichiers vectoriels sont disponibles en vectoriels sont disponibles en annexe.)
  • Tejar  + ('''Online Shopping in Pakistan''' top e-co'''Online Shopping in Pakistan''' top e-commerce store that deals in genuine and reliable consumer goods belonging to numerous brands and product categories. The purpose of the online storefront is to provide users a convenient and secure online shopping experience with a wide range of options to choose from. Making quick inroads in the online retail market, we owe our success to the fact that not only are we committed to providing you premium quality products, we also ensure transparency at all times and give top priority to customer satisfaction. By understanding the needs of our audience and serving them in the best manner possible, people’s trust in our brand has strengthened over the years. Right from the moment you place an order on till it reaches you, our team of diligent professionals works tirelessly to meet your expectations. The website offers a heterogeneous mix of countless products sorted on the basis of ones that are new, gaining popularity or available on discount. If you are brand conscious, you can even shop for items within a specific brand. Furthermore, you can narrow down your search based on the products that fit your budget so that you may make your purchase decision accordingly. [ '''ipad pro 2021 price in pakistan'''] With a host of payment methods, paying for what you buy has been made very easy. No matter where you are located in Pakistan, we promise to deliver your purchased product to you within 8-12 working days. As shipping of items worth over Rs. 4,900 is free, buyers don’t have to worry about additional charges for organizing delivery of the ordered items. [ '''graphic cards price''']
    cs-cards '''graphic cards price'''] <br/>)
  • Circuit de billes  + ('''Pour ce circuit nous avons utiliser dif'''Pour ce circuit nous avons utiliser différrent matériaux.''' '''Les voici :''' '''Recyclage :''' - 7 rouleau de pq (pour le circuit) - 11 bouteille en plastique (pour le circuit) - 1 bouteille de lait (pour faire une petite piscine) - 2 cartons (pour surélever le circuit) '''Electronique :''' - 1 Cerveau moteur - 1 Carte esp 32 - 1 Cable double entrée '''Autre :''' - Scotche double face - Pistolet à colle
    e double face - Pistolet à colle <br/>)
  • Multi-console Raspberry pi 3/zeroW + Tuto PITFT 2.8/3.5/ect  + ('''Raspberry Pi''' est un mini-ordinateur '''Raspberry Pi''' est un mini-ordinateur sur lequel le système d’exploitation pour moi ça sera Retropie il y en a d'autre comme Recalbox . Des OS , généralement basé sur Linux est installé sur une carte mémoire. Ici, il s’agit de la version Pi 3 et ZeroW qui, outre un gain de puissance par rapport aux versions précédentes ajoute surtout le Wifi et le Bluetooth intégré. Que peut-on faire d’autre avec cette machine ? Plein de trucs de geek (voir Google) .e ? Plein de trucs de geek (voir Google) .)
  • Four solaire amélioré  + (''' Le four solaire est un dispositif qui ''' Le four solaire est un dispositif qui utilise l'énergie solaire pour cuire les aliments. Nous fabriquerons à partir du matériel mis à notre disposition un four solaire customise. en effet il sera assisté d'une résistance thermique alimentée par un panneau photovoltaïque.'''limentée par un panneau photovoltaïque.''')
  • Typographie modulaire  + (''Ce set de typo modulaire a été dessiné d’après la police LATITUDE'')
  • Contrôleur Midi avec des boutons d'arcade et un RPi Pico  + (''Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons principale''Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons principalement traduire en français, les instructions des Ruiz Brothers du site Adafruit.'' ''Nous y apporterons des notes sur'' *''⚠️les difficultés rencontrés'' *''🇫🇷 les liens pour acheter les composants en France.'' *''🔧ainsi que les modifications apportés au 🐍code et au design.'' L'intégralité des ressources viennent du site d'Adafruit : et sont sous Licence [ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike]
    ve Commons Attribution-ShareAlike] <br/>)
  • Revo - l'horloge hypnotique -  + (''Revo'' est le résultat d'un workshop ent''Revo'' est le résultat d'un workshop entre les étudiants horloger de DNMADE au lycée des métiers Jean Jaurès et Bérengère Amiot à l'Edulab de Rennes 2. ___________ Une horloge discrète mais un objet envoutant qui habillera votre intérieur. ''Revo'', rêve en espéranto, est une horloge réalisée dans un FabLab, un lieu collaboratif qui, à l’instar de l’espéranto, a été créé pour regrouper les hommes issus de cultures différentes. Dans la valeur du partage, il est facilement réalisable afin que chacun puisse l’avoir chez soi. Tel un attrape-rêve, ''Revo'' calmera vos esprits grâce à ses courbes élégantes.vos esprits grâce à ses courbes élégantes.)
  • Remplacer un chauffe eau  + ( * Afin d'emboîter correctement le ballon * Afin d'emboîter correctement le ballon sur les fixations, il convient de prévoir un espace d'au moins 5 cm sous le plafond. * Un chauffe-eau demande un entretien régulier. Pour les opérations de maintenance, respectez un espace de 40 cm minimum entre le ballon et le sol. * Comme pour de nombreux appareils, il faut s'assurer que l'installation électrique respecte les normes NF en vigueur. * Le ballon est un élément lourd, demandez de l'aide pour le manipuler. ourd, demandez de l'aide pour le manipuler. )
  • Utilisation Basique du laser trotec Speedy 400  + ( * Ce tutoriel ne remplace pas une formati * Ce tutoriel ne remplace pas une formation par un utilisateur expérimenté * Il introduit mais ne détaille pas l’utilisation de l’outil de dessin des pièces à découper * Il se propose d’être un guide concernant les principales actions pour réaliser une découpe ou gravure laser pour réaliser une découpe ou gravure laser )
  • Peindre un mur  + ( * Choisissez un rouleau anti-gouttes pour éviter les éclaboussures ! Travaillez dans une pièce ventilé à une température d’environ 18° )
  • Poser de la fibre de verre  + ( * La fibre de verre consolide les murs et * La fibre de verre consolide les murs et gomme leurs imperfections. Il est cependant conseillé de la poser sur une surface plane, parfaitement sèche, sans trous ni fissures profondes. * Posez la fibre à partir du mur opposé à l'entrée de la pièce afin que les raccords soient moins visibles. fin que les raccords soient moins visibles. )
  • Décaper un meuble  + ( * Lors de l'application du décapant, mieux vaut travailler dans une pièce aérée. * Certains bois ne doivent pas être mis en contact avec l'eau. Pensez à vérifier l'essence du bois avant de le mouiller. )
  • Décaper un meuble  + ( * Lors de l'application du décapant, mieux vaut travailler dans une pièce aérée. * Certains bois ne doivent pas être mis en contact avec l'eau. Pensez à vérifier l'essence du bois avant de le mouiller. )
  • SCOTT : petit robot éducatif  + ( * Poids de plastique nécessaire : 196 gra * Poids de plastique nécessaire : 196 grammes (Besoin de filaments ? C’est par ici) * Délais de livraison: 1-2 semaines. * Temps de Montage : 1h * Difficulté de Montage : Facile * Outils : Clé allen, tournevis cruciforme * SCOTT est livré avec 3 programmes prêt à l’emploi * Système d’exploitation: Windows * Couleur d’impression standard pour les pièces: Orange, commentez pour lors de la commande pour obtenir une couleur différente. mmande pour obtenir une couleur différente. )
  • SCOTT : petit robot éducatif  + ( * Poids de plastique nécessaire : 196 gra * Poids de plastique nécessaire : 196 grammes (Besoin de filaments ? C’est par ici) * Délais de livraison: 1-2 semaines. * Temps de Montage : 1h * Difficulté de Montage : Facile * Outils : Clé allen, tournevis cruciforme * SCOTT est livré avec 3 programmes prêt à l’emploi * Système d’exploitation: Windows * Couleur d’impression standard pour les pièces: Orange, commentez pour lors de la commande pour obtenir une couleur différente. mmande pour obtenir une couleur différente. )
  • Monter des portes de placard  + ( * Pour pouvoir accrocher les cintres perpendiculairement, le placard doit avoir une profondeur minimale de 60 cm. )
  • Poser du papier peint  + ( * Pour un résultat impeccable, veillez à ce que vos murs soient sains, secs et sans défaut. * Commencez la pose du papier peint sur le mur opposé à l'entrée de la pièce afin que les raccords soient moins visibles. )
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + (/!! Le tuto est en cours, n'hésitez pas à compléter !Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Utiliser la Handibot  + (/!! Le tuto est en cours, n'hésitez pas à compléter !Une intro simple pour utiliser la Handibot : Fraiseuse à commande numérique de zBis)
  • Boîte à outils de Gédéon  + (<big>Dessiner des circuits électriques et les faire fonctionner avec '''TINKERCAD''' « Circuits »</big>)
  • Poser des dalles en vinyle  + (<div class="icon-instructions info-icon
    * Il est nécessaire de stocker les dalles à température ambiante, 24 heures avant leur mise en œuvre. * Lors de la pose, la température de la pièce doit être supérieure à 10°. * Les dalles doivent être issues du même lot.
    supérieure à 10°. * Les dalles doivent être issues du même lot. </div> </div>)
  • Tab2Lux  + (<u>'''Matériel :'''</u> <'''Matériel :''' Table (€) : - Pieds pour la table ([ 14€]) , quantité = 1 - Lot de tourillons ([ 1.81€]), quantité = 1 - Écrou à enfoncer ([ 1.70€]), quantité = 1 - Pin brut([ 10.70€]), quantité = 2 - huile de protection ([ 15,95€]), quantité = 1 - Roulette 50mm en option ([ 4,70€]), quantité = 4 - bouton rotatif([ 8.44€]), quantité = 1 - Verre 500x300([ 22,99€]) Partie Hydroponie (€) : - ESP32 TTGO (25€ sur Amazon) - Le bac ([ 6.99€]) - Capteur niveau eau ([ 11,45€]) , quantité = 2 - LEDs ([ 15,90€]) - Relais lumière + pompe ([ 5,99€]) - Pots (1.43€ sur Aliexpress) , quantité = 2 - Mousses (2,47€ sur Aliexpress), quantité = 1 Partie audio (162€) : - un Raspberry, une carte SD et une alimentation ([ 70€]) - un DAC ( [ 27€] en option, la sortie jack du Raspberry peut-être utilisée) - un ampli audio ([ 17€] ou [ 27€]) + une alim 12V ( à choisir en fonction de la puissance , 10-15€) - une paire de haut-parleur 170mm ([ 30€]) - une clé WIPI ([ 8€] si bug du Raspberry) - des câbles Machines - découpeuse laser - imprimante 3D - Scie plongeante - Défonceuse - Scie radiale - Scie sauteuse - Perceuse/visseuse Autres outils - fer à souder - Pistolet à colle - pince coupante - pince à dénuder - pied à coulisse - colle à bois - Serre joint Logiciels - Inkscape (conception 2D) - Cura (trancheur pour impression 3D) - Arduino (programmation de la carte Arduino) - Bloc note :) - pince à dénuder - pied à coulisse - colle à bois - Serre joint <u>Logiciels</u> - Inkscape (conception 2D) - Cura (trancheur pour impression 3D) - Arduino (programmation de la carte Arduino) - Bloc note :))
  • Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader  + (= '''Are you prepared to start your path t= '''Are you prepared to start your path toward certification as a Google Cloud Digital Leader?''' = Organizations are always looking for methods to remain ahead of the curve, improve operational efficiency, and spur innovation in the ever changing digital world of today. In this process, Google Cloud has become a key actor by providing a range of robust goods and services that are designed to satisfy the various requirements of contemporary businesses. Those who want to take use of Google Cloud's revolutionary capabilities can set out on a certification path to become certified Cloud Digital Leaders. '''Understanding the Role of a Cloud Digital Leader''' A Cloud Digital Leader is a resource of information and experience who is skilled at explaining the features of Google Cloud's main goods and services. This entails having a thorough grasp of how these services convert into real advantages for businesses in a range of sectors. Cloud Digital Leaders are able to bring about significant change in their businesses via the use of data insights, process optimization, and improved security measures. '''The Path to Certification''' The Cloud Digital Leader certification is intended for those who are keen to demonstrate their mastery of the principles of cloud computing and their capacity to leverage Google Cloud products. The certification test assesses applicants in a number of important areas, such as: '''Digital Transformation:''' Acknowledging how Google Cloud can spur digital transformation efforts, enabling businesses to adjust and prosper in the fast-paced commercial world of today. '''Data Transformation:''' Analyzing how Google Cloud's advanced analytics, machine learning, and data management technologies enable companies to harness the full power of their data. '''Artificial Intelligence:''' Examining the field of artificial intelligence, candidates discover how Google Cloud's AI capabilities may spur creativity, mechanize workflows, and provide fresh chances for expansion. '''Infrastructure Modernization:''' Gaining knowledge about serverless computing, microservices architecture, containerization, and other modernizing concepts for applications and infrastructure using Google Cloud. '''Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Preparation and Training Resources''' Preparing for the Cloud Digital Leader exam involves a structured approach that combines comprehensive training with hands-on experience. Google Cloud offers a dedicated learning path tailored to the exam's requirements, providing access to [ '''online training modules and resources''']'''.''' Additionally, think about making use of Study4Exams [ '''Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam Questions PDF'''], which covers every topic covered in the real exam. These resources are priceless for improving comprehension and test-taking preparedness. '''Renewing Certifications''' Those who get their Cloud Digital Leader certification join a forward-thinking professional community prepared to drive innovation and transformation inside their organizations. It's important to bear in mind that you have to renew your certification every three years to maintain your position as a Cloud Digital Leader. This means retaking the test and passing it in order to ensure that certified professionals keep up to date with Google Cloud technology. '''In summary''' The path to becoming a Cloud Digital Leader is fulfilling and transformational. People may become valuable assets in their businesses and promote innovation, success, and sustainable growth in the digital age by learning and mastering the skills necessary to use Google Cloud.y learning and mastering the skills necessary to use Google Cloud.)
  • Priyasengupta  + (= Book a pretty Mumbai escorts call girl f= Book a pretty Mumbai escorts call girl for a relationship = In this industry, not many people and offices tell the truth and are trustworthy. We are one of the deeply flavored and natural escort agencies. We are pleased to offer restrictive suggestive deviation to our clients. The satisfaction and suggestions that you will get from our [ call girls] will be unique. As an adult, you will find it easy to control the real longing for her like clockwork. If he understands that his real accomplices, such as his girlfriend or his spouse, have abandoned him and ignored him, then at that time, he will not sit still. Certainly, stand out and delight yourself with our attractive '''[ Mumbai escorts]''' who are beautiful women who have mastered the satisfaction of men! In our escort agency, many girls need to have a free life. They have banded together and given the raffle an open door to bring in cash. While performing escort services, our '''[ Mumbai Call Girls]''' understand what you need from them. You can have the honor of choosing the best one for you. There is a compelling reason to continue a selfless life when you have the option to spend time with sweet girls. In some cases, married women do not get enough satisfaction from their partner and for this, they decide to work as [ '''high profile escorts in Mumbai'''] district. The ability to satisfy and attract clients of these women is superior to that of other escort agencies. Nowadays there is no more feeling of sitting idly by as new [ '''model escorts in Mumbai'''] market who need to enjoy the night party and suggestive fun. Our prepared adult entertainers go on to lead magnificent and extravagant lives. If you have a dream of dating a lovely girl, it will prove valid thanks to our amazing '''[ college call girls in Mumbai]''' who provide elegant sexual services. There are various entertainment strategies available, but when we talk about our [ Call Girl service], no one contacts the energy. We have girls with physical experience who are waiting for single and married men. We at Missmumbai [ '''escort agency in Mumbai'''] have a group of college-going girls, VIP girls, housewives and Mature girls, outstanding model escorts, hostess women, unknown call girls like Chinese escorts, Russians, Japanese escorts, etc. For our part, we guarantee quality assistance, since we seriously consider the security, mystery, and joy of our clients. [ '''Call Girls Services in Mumbai'''] at low cost anytime. Regardless of whether you are a beginner in finding the affection of these [ hot girls], it would help if you did not hold back because our girls are easy-going. She will make you feel light and safe. Our [ '''airhostess escorts in Mumbai'''] will get information about the usual level of familiarity, you like to despise and they will do things according to your guidelines. Contact us as soon as possible to reserve your complete fun! == Let the Queen of Hearts escorts in Mumbai be in your bed == Assuming you imagine that you feel desolate and pressured, all you want is someone who can deal with your feelings and you can move them immediately. It is essential to understand that our real needs and needs are regular and there is nothing left to avoid. Try not to allow such feelings to be stifled and prevent you from having extreme joy. Your life will be full of feelings and the happy moment you choose. You will have someone who will take care of you and your feelings. A quick and easy method to do this is to move towards '''[ Mumbai Escorts Services]''' wild in bed. Everyone has specific desires that are not fulfilled. If you had a suggestive experience in the past, you probably had a specific longing that was not satisfied. In some cases, you feel uncomfortable communicating your longing to the [ '''female escorts in Mumbai''']. From time to time it is also seen that you cannot communicate your desires to the Girl imagining that she will feel uncomfortable. In this way, your desires will remain unsatisfied. In any case, when you are with [ Mumbai escort call girls], you can be expressive with your cravings and dreams. Our [ '''call girls in Mumbai'''] love to explore different avenues regarding their sexual accomplices. They make sure that every sexual desire is satisfied and that you have a cheerful attitude about it. They will consider you as if you were their love and will make sure that each of your dreams comes true. Is it true that you are thinking about old memories of sexual experiences? Is it true that you will have any more tactless experiences? Our [ '''call girls services in Mumbai'''] are here to help you achieve your energy levels. Sometimes all you need is to have a pleasurable sexual experience right where you are. Maybe you also prefer to have a good time at local gatherings. The outcall service provided by the [ escort girls in Mumbai] will satisfy your needs. Outcall services are the type of service provided by our escort agency where the girl communicates with her target and provides her with an exciting service. This way, when you want to have a horny experience at your home or in a particular area, [ outcall services in Mumbai] will make it possible. Take advantage of this night! === Get home services in Mumbai for your convenience === If you choose [ '''bollywood escorts in Mumbai'''], the Missmumbai Agency will arrange a safe deposit box for you and provide you with a place where you can have a meeting and sexual experience with the Girl. The Call Services are protected because you will be provided with a location where complete safety and security will be guaranteed. Escort agencies in Mumbai surely know the importance of safety. Therefore, we ensure that no measures are taken that are uncertain and that influence your position. The [ '''Russian escorts in Mumbai'''] exceptionally feel the importance of notoriety and this is the justification why our escort office ensures the way extreme security is maintained at all times. So if you're stressed about security, you can be confident that your protection will hold up while you appreciate it with little to no problem. The moment you avail of an [ '''escort service in Mumbai'''], you will get the most enthusiastic girls in the city of Mumbai. '''Mumbai escorts''' are looking for energetic sex and are certainly decent in bed. They know the ability to shake and make the air feel. These girls love to explore different avenues with respect to their accomplices and may want to evaluate new positions on sexual experiences. You will be amazed and excited by the help provided by [ '''Vip escorts in Mumbai'''] who want to come to our agency again and again. Every time you come to the Agency you will experience [ new Girls] who are amazing. You can also arrange a sexual experience with a similar girl over and over again. In this way, with [ '''actress escorts in Mumbai'''], your pleasure and bliss are assured. You will not find the satisfaction you have experienced before. Book your night sovereign today for a heartfelt night out! Some [ '''celebrity escorts in Mumbai'''] who are disturbed and satisfied with their lives need to investigate their sexuality. What can be preferable to joining '''Call Girls in Mumbai'''? For this, they have chosen to function as [ '''escorts in Mumbai''']. They have formed their important choice according to their desire. These attractive appearances of our models in Mumbai are enough to make you frenzy. If you need endless minutes of these insidious women, you'll want to talk to us directly. Help elevate the feeling and wild activities through our reliable escort office. === Best Escort Service Available Here === Are you looking for a magnificent [ '''teenage escorts in Mumbai''']? Hello everyone, come to the Missmumbai site. Hare has everything available for your enjoyment. After 5 years, we are working on a good Mumbai call girl service in her city. Don't waste time and book our high-profile [ '''independent escorts in Mumbai'''] right now. Most Trusted Mumbai Escorts services were available on our agency. If you want a [ '''new call girl service in Mumbai''']? So guys, book our professional female escorts in Mumbai now. The highly sought after escort service in Mumbai waiting for you. We always provide you with pure and safe service in your city. This is a fantastic escort agency. So guys, book and enjoy an evening together with our [ '''foreigner escorts in Mumbai''']. ==== Lots of variety of escort girls:- ==== '''[ Muslim escorts in Mumbai], [ Punjabi escorts in Mumbai], [ Marathi escorts in Mumbai], [ Tamil escorts in Mumbai], [ Nepali escorts in Mumbai], [ Indian escorts in Mumbai], [ Kerala escorts in Mumbai], [ Mumbai hotel escorts], [ hookers in Mumbai], [ Bhojpuri escorts in Mumbai], [ bengali escorts in Mumbai], [ Blonde escorts in Mumbai], [ assamese escorts in Mumbai]'''mumbai.html assamese escorts in Mumbai]''')
  • ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Dumps Fast Your Prep Smartly  + (= Get Success in PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundat= Get Success in PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation Exam with Flying Colours = The PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam is valuable and industrial recognized credential that offers a great opportunity to beginners and experience professionals to grow their career. The ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam is designed to prove candidates skills, knowledge and experience level. With the ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam anyone can participate in ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam and learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge. By doing this successful ITIL Foundation certification exam candidates can put their career on the right track and achieve their career objectives in short time period. In addition to this, there are other several ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam advantages that you can gain after passing the ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam. To avail all these PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming ITIL Foundation exam easily. == How Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions that are the collection of past ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions and answers. With our ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming ITIL Foundation exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation certification exam questions successfully. These ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions are real and updated as per the latest ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam. The extensive practice of these ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all ITIL Foundation exam questions. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual ITIL Foundation exam. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation PDF dumps file is the collection of real PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] ITIL-4-Foundation PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam. With the Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real PeopleCert ITIL-4-Foundation exam environment for instant and deep insight ITIL Foundation exam preparation. The Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. 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Just choose the best one Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions charges. If you want to test the quality and features of our ITIL 4 Foundation ITIL-4-Foundation exam real questions than download our free ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions trail version. The demo Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam practice test questions facility is being offered in all three formats. You can download any Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions format free of cost. After downloading test our Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions quality and features and if you think that our ITIL 4 ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions can assist you any mean download our paid premium quality Examskit ITIL-4-Foundation exam questions and start this journey with confidence. Best of Luck!!!             h confidence. Best of Luck!!!             )
  • How to Design and Build Your Own Spa Experience at Home in 2024  + (= How to Design and Build Your Own Spa Exp= How to Design and Build Your Own Spa Experience at Home in 2024? = In today's fast-paced world, finding time for self-care and relaxation is more crucial than ever. While visiting a spa can be a luxurious treat, creating your own spa experience at home offers convenience, flexibility, and the opportunity to personalize every detail to suit your preferences. Whether you're seeking a tranquil escape from the daily grind or aiming to elevate your self-care routine, designing and building your own spa experience at home is within reach. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential steps and considerations to transform your space into a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation in 2024.
    == Setting the Mood: Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere == The foundation of any spa experience lies in its ambiance. Begin by decluttering your space and eliminating distractions to cultivate a serene environment. Soft, diffused lighting can instantly enhance relaxation, so consider incorporating candles, Himalayan salt lamps, or dimmable fixtures to create a soothing atmosphere. To further enhance the ambiance, infuse your space with calming scents using essential oil diffusers or aromatic candles. Popular scents such as lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus are known for their stress-relieving properties and can help induce a state of tranquility. [ air to water heat pump manufacturers] == DIY Spa Treatments: Elevating Your Self-Care Routine == One of the perks of designing your own spa experience is the ability to customize treatments to address your specific needs. Stock up on essential ingredients for DIY spa treatments such as face masks, body scrubs, and bath soaks. Natural ingredients like oatmeal, honey, coconut oil, and sea salt can be combined to create luxurious and effective skincare products. Consider incorporating herbal steam facials using a blend of fresh herbs like mint, rosemary, and lavender for a rejuvenating experience that promotes healthy skin and deep relaxation.
    == Spa Decor and Design: Creating a Tranquil Retreat == Transforming your space into a spa-worthy sanctuary requires thoughtful decor and design choices. Choose calming colors like soft blues, greens, and neutrals to evoke a sense of serenity and relaxation. Incorporate plush towels, robes, and cushions to add comfort and luxury to your spa experience. To enhance the natural ambiance, consider adding indoor plants like ferns, peace lilies, or snake plants, which not only purify the air but also bring a touch of nature indoors. Invest in storage solutions to keep your spa essentials organized and easily accessible, ensuring a clutter-free environment conducive to relaxation.
    == Relaxation Techniques: Unwinding the Mind and Body == Incorporating relaxation techniques into your spa experience can amplify its benefits and promote overall well-being. Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and reduce stress levels. Mindfulness meditation can help cultivate present-moment awareness and promote inner peace. Consider integrating gentle yoga or stretching routines to release tension and improve flexibility. Create a dedicated relaxation corner equipped with cozy seating, soothing music, and inspirational reading materials to encourage moments of reflection and rejuvenation.
    == Pampering Products: Investing in Quality and Sustainability == When curating products for your home spa, prioritize quality, and sustainability. Opt for natural and organic skincare products free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Explore eco-friendly alternatives such as bamboo towels, reusable facial rounds, and biodegradable bath bombs to minimize your environmental footprint. Invest in high-quality spa tools like facial rollers, gua sha stones, and body brushes to enhance your skincare routine and promote circulation and lymphatic drainage.
    == Creating Spa Experiences: Tailoring Your Self-Care Rituals == Designing your own spa experience allows you to tailor every aspect to suit your preferences and needs. Experiment with different treatments, rituals, and rituals to discover what brings you the greatest joy and relaxation. Schedule regular spa days or evenings to prioritize self-care and rejuvenation. Consider inviting friends or loved ones to join you for a spa day at home, creating opportunities for bonding and connection while indulging in self-care.
    == Budget-Friendly Tips: Making Spa Luxury Accessible == Creating a spa experience at home doesn't have to break the bank. Get creative with budget-friendly alternatives and DIY solutions to achieve spa-like luxury on a budget. Repurpose household items like mason jars, glass containers, and kitchen utensils for DIY skincare treatments and storage solutions. Explore online tutorials and resources for homemade spa recipes and beauty hacks that utilize affordable and readily available ingredients. Shop smart by taking advantage of sales, promotions, and discounts on spa essentials and skincare products.
    == Maintaining Your Spa: Cultivating a Sustainable Self-Care Routine == Once you've designed and built your home spa, maintaining it becomes essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Establish a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to keep your spa space tidy and hygienic. Refresh your space with new decor accents, fresh flowers, or seasonal scents to invigorate your senses and enhance the ambiance. Continuously evaluate and adjust your self-care rituals and practices to align with your evolving needs and preferences, fostering a sustainable and fulfilling spa experience at home.
    == Incorporating Spa Rituals into Daily Life: Cultivating Mindful Living == While indulging in spa experiences at home is a treat, incorporating spa rituals into your daily life can promote a deeper sense of well-being and mindfulness. Integrate small moments of self-care and relaxation into your routine, such as enjoying a cup of herbal tea, taking a leisurely bath, or practicing gratitude journaling. Embrace simplicity and mindfulness in everyday activities, savoring each moment and finding joy in the present. By prioritizing self-care and mindfulness, you can cultivate a spa-like experience in every aspect of your life, promoting balance, harmony, and inner peace.
    == Innovative Heating Solutions: Harnessing the Power of Heat Pumps == For those seeking sustainable heating solutions to complement their home spa experience, [ air source heat pumps] offer a compelling option. The Zealux heat pump, renowned for its efficiency and reliability, utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide consistent and energy-efficient heating for spa pools, hot tubs, and saunas. By harnessing the natural heat from the surrounding air or water, heat pumps efficiently transfer warmth to your spa, ensuring optimal comfort and relaxation without compromising on environmental sustainability. With features such as intelligent temperature control and quiet operation, the Zealux [ heat pump supplier] seamlessly integrates into your spa environment, enhancing the overall experience while minimizing energy consumption and operating costs. Incorporating a heat pump into your home spa setup not only ensures a luxurious and comfortable experience but also aligns with sustainable living practices, allowing you to indulge in relaxation guilt-free.
    == Conclusion: Elevating Your Self-Care Journey == Designing and building your own spa experience at home in 2024 offers a unique opportunity to prioritize self-care, relaxation, and well-being on your terms. By creating a tranquil oasis tailored to your preferences and needs, you can indulge in luxurious spa treatments, unwind the mind and body, and cultivate a sustainable self-care routine that nourishes and rejuvenates. Whether you're seeking solace from the stresses of daily life or aiming to elevate your self-care journey, your home spa awaits, ready to envelop you in a cocoon of tranquility and rejuvenation. With innovative heating solutions like heat pumps, such as those from industry leading [ heat pump manufacturers] like Zealux, you can ensure optimal comfort and efficiency while minimizing environmental impact, further enhancing your home spa experience. tag: [ pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump] , [ swimming pool heat pump supplier]
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  • Authentic Juniper JN0-636 Practice Questions - The Reflections of Real Exam  + (=How to Prepare Well to Pass the Juniper J=How to Prepare Well to Pass the Juniper JN0-636 Exam on Your First Attempt?= Prepare for your Juniper JN0-636 confidently with authentic exam questions from Examskit. Study anytime, anywhere on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet with ease. If you prefer traditional studying, print the questions in PDF format and get ready for your Juniper JN0-636 exams. Practice with Examskit's Excel [ '''Juniper JN0-636 Questions''']! They simulate real questions, preparing you for the exam and guiding you toward success. ==Chooses Juniper JN0-636 the Authentic Preparation Materials: == Be careful with old exam questions from many platforms. Examskit offers current and relevant Juniper JN0-636 exam questions. Access practice questions, dumps, and PDF formats prepared for Juniper JN0-636 to prepare with confidence. Emphasizing the real exam questions commonly encountered in the actual exam, Examskit ensures effective preparation. =Examskit Juniper JN0-636 Exam Questions Details= 1) '''Vendor Registration''': Juniper 2) '''Exam Registration''' Code: JN0-636 3) '''Exam Title''': Junos, Associate Exam 4) '''Related Certification(s)''': Juniper Junos Security Certification 5) '''Number of Questions''': 115 6) '''Available Formats''': PDF, Web-Based Engine, Desktop Practice Test 7) '''Global Validity''': Valid Worldwide (All Countries) 8) '''Discount Offered:''' Yes (Limited Time) 9) '''Instant Availability''': All Formats Accessible Instantly 10) '''Free Updates''': Provided for Up to 90 Days 11) '''Customer Support''': Available 24/7 ==Examskit Juniper JN0-636  Practice Exam Questions: == Examskit practice exam questions for JN0-636 are great for preparation by Juniper. They are created by experts and contain real questions from previous exams. That's why many people opt for Examskit practice questions and do well. I recommend trying Juniper JN0-636 Examskit practice questions to increase your chances of success in your journey..There is a lot of hope that if you act and work hard, you will also succeed. So, apply yourself and don't worry about preparing for the exam. '''[ Click Here & Try Now] ''' ==Real Juniper JN0-636 Exam Questions in PDF Format== You can get the latest Juniper JN0-636 test questions in PDF format from ExamsKit. These are the newest, most authentic, and up-to-date questions for the JN0-636 exam. They're designed to help you pass the Security, Professional JN0-636 exam on your first try and prepare quickly for the JN0-636 JNCIP-SEC exam. You can access these Juniper Junos Security Certification JN0-636 exam questions on laptops, tablets, and smartphones, so you can study on any smart device. Plus, you can download and use these Juniper Junos Security Certification JN0-636 exam questions for free whenever you want. If you prefer studying with written notes, you can print these PDF Juniper JN0-636 exam questions. ==Use ExamsKit Desktop Software to Get Familiar with the Juniper JN0-636 Exam Format== Check out ExamsKit's new software for Security, Professional certification! It's made to help you get ready for the exam by giving you practice questions similar to the ones you'll see on the real test. Plus, it keeps track of how you're doing so you can see your progress. This makes sure you're well-prepared for the actual exam. With this software, you can practice on your Windows computer and feel more confident about taking the test. ==Examskit’ Web-based Juniper JN0-636 Practice Exam Features== Prepare for your Security, Professional exam with ExamsKit's online tool. Experience the real test environment, choose your questions and time, and get instant feedback on your performance. Boost your confidence for the Juniper exam with realistic practice sessions accessible from any device or browser. Less nerves, more readiness! Final Thoughts: In conclusion, preparing for the Juniper JN0-636 exam requires a strategic approach that emphasizes authenticity and relevance. [ '''Examskit'''] stands out as a reliable resource offering current and pertinent exam questions, ensuring that your preparation aligns closely with the actual test. With a range of accessible formats and a commitment to providing the latest updates, Examskit empowers candidates to study effectively anytime, anywhere. Whether you choose to practice on desktop software, utilize web-based tools, or opt for traditional PDF formats, Examskit caters to diverse learning preferences, fostering confidence and readiness. By investing in Examskit's comprehensive preparation materials, candidates equip themselves with the essential tools to tackle the Juniper JN0-636 exam successfully on their first attempt.-636 exam successfully on their first attempt.)
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To avail all these Cisco 200-301 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in CCNA 200-301 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''200-301 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in CCNA 200-301 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming exam easily. == How Examskit 200-301 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Cisco 200-301 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam questions that are the collection of past CCNA 200-301 exam questions and answers. With our CCNA 200-301 exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming CCNA exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your Cisco 200-301 exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 certification exam questions successfully. These CCNA 200-301 exam questions are real and updated as per the latest CCNA 200-301 exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam. The extensive practice of these Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all exam questions. The Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified CCNA 200-301 exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual CCNA 200-301 exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit 200-301 Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit 200-301 web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these Cisco 200-301 exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free CCNA 200-301 exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual exam. The Examskit 200-301 PDF dumps file is the collection of real Cisco 200-301 exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] 200-301 PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start CCNA 200-301 exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit 200-301 PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging Cisco 200-301 exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit 200-301 Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit 200-301 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock CCNA 200-301 exam. With the Examskit 200-301 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real Cisco 200-301 exam environment for instant and deep insight exam preparation. The Examskit 200-301 desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit 200-301 web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock CCNA 200-301 exam on any web browser and start CCNA 200-301 exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit 200-301 Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ Cisco 200-301 exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 certification exam and start CCNA 200-301 exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions. The Examskit 200-301 PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. Just choose the best one Examskit 200-301 exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam practice test questions charges. If you want to test the quality and features of our Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam 200-301 exam real questions than download our free CCNA 200-301 exam questions trail version. The demo Examskit 200-301 exam practice test questions facility is being offered in all three formats. You can download any Examskit 200-301 exam questions format free of cost. After downloading test our Examskit 200-301 exam questions quality and features and if you think that our CCNA 200-301 exam questions can assist you any mean download our paid premium quality Examskit 200-301 exam questions and start this journey with confidence. Best of Luck!!!             h confidence. Best of Luck!!!             )
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To avail all these Linux Foundation CKS certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in CKS exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''CKS exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in CKS exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming exam easily. == How Examskit CKS Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Linux Foundation CKS certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam questions that are the collection of past CKS exam questions and answers. With our CKS exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming Kubernetes Security Specialist exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your Linux Foundation CKS exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS certification exam questions successfully. These CKS exam questions are real and updated as per the latest CKS exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam. The extensive practice of these Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all exam questions. The Examskit CKS exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified CKS exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit CKS exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual CKS exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit CKS Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit CKS exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit CKS web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these Linux Foundation CKS exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free CKS exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual exam. The Examskit CKS PDF dumps file is the collection of real Linux Foundation CKS exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] CKS PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start CKS exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit CKS PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging Linux Foundation CKS exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit CKS Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit CKS desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock CKS exam. With the Examskit CKS desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real Linux Foundation CKS exam environment for instant and deep insight exam preparation. The Examskit CKS desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit CKS web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock CKS exam on any web browser and start CKS exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit CKS Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ Linux Foundation CKS exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS certification exam and start CKS exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit CKS exam practice test questions. The Examskit CKS PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. Just choose the best one Examskit CKS exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist CKS exam practice test questions charges. 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To avail all these VMware 2V0-21.23 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in 2V0-21.23 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''2V0-21.23 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in 2V0-21.23 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming VCP Data Center Virtualization exam easily. == How Examskit 2V0-21.23 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the VMware 2V0-21.23 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 exam questions that are the collection of past 2V0-21.23 exam questions and answers. With our 2V0-21.23 exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming VCP-DCV exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your VMware 2V0-21.23 exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 certification exam questions successfully. These 2V0-21.23 exam questions are real and updated as per the latest 2V0-21.23 exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 exam. The extensive practice of these VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all VCP-DCV exam questions. The Examskit 2V0-21.23 exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified 2V0-21.23 exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit 2V0-21.23 exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our VMware vSphere 8.x Professional 2V0-21.23 exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual 2V0-21.23 exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit 2V0-21.23 Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit 2V0-21.23 exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit 2V0-21.23 web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these VMware 2V0-21.23 exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free 2V0-21.23 exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual VCP-DCV exam. The Examskit 2V0-21.23 PDF dumps file is the collection of real VMware 2V0-21.23 exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. 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To avail all these Amazon SAA-C03 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in SAA-C03 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''SAA-C03 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in SAA-C03 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming exam easily. == How Examskit SAA-C03 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Amazon SAA-C03 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 exam questions that are the collection of past SAA-C03 exam questions and answers. With our SAA-C03 exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming Amazon Associate & AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your Amazon SAA-C03 exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 certification exam questions successfully. These SAA-C03 exam questions are real and updated as per the latest SAA-C03 exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 exam. The extensive practice of these AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all exam questions. The Examskit SAA-C03 exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified SAA-C03 exam trainers. 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You can download Examskit] SAA-C03 PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start SAA-C03 exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit SAA-C03 PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging Amazon SAA-C03 exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit SAA-C03 Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit SAA-C03 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock SAA-C03 exam. With the Examskit SAA-C03 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real Amazon SAA-C03 exam environment for instant and deep insight exam preparation. The Examskit SAA-C03 desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit SAA-C03 web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock SAA-C03 exam on any web browser and start SAA-C03 exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit SAA-C03 Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ Amazon SAA-C03 exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 certification exam and start SAA-C03 exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit SAA-C03 exam practice test questions. The Examskit SAA-C03 PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. 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To avail all these Microsoft AZ-305 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in AZ-305 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''AZ-305 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in AZ-305 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming exam easily. == How Examskit AZ-305 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Microsoft AZ-305 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions AZ-305 exam questions that are the collection of past AZ-305 exam questions and answers. 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To avail all these Microsoft MD-102 certification exam benefits you just need to get registered in MD-102 exam and stat preparation with the recommended study material. The recommended study material is Examskit [ '''MD-102 exam practice questions'''] that perfectly assist you in MD-102 exam preparation and enable you to pass the upcoming Modern Desktop Administrator Associate exam easily. == How Examskit MD-102 Exam Questions are Ideal Study Material for Quick Preparation? == The Examskit is a leading platform that is committed to offer the easiest and instant way to prepare well and pass the Microsoft MD-102 certification exam with flying colours. The Examskit is offering real, valid and updated Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam questions that are the collection of past MD-102 exam questions and answers. With our MD-102 exam practice test questions you can familiarize yourself with the upcoming Microsoft 365 Modern Desktop Administrator Associate exam environment, types and structure of exam questions and can enhance your Microsoft MD-102 exam time management skills. All these things enable you to solve entire Endpoint Administrator MD-102 certification exam questions successfully. These MD-102 exam questions are real and updated as per the latest MD-102 exam syllabus and have more than 90 per cent chance to appear in the upcoming Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam. The extensive practice of these Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam questions boost your confidence and you can easily solve all Modern Desktop Administrator Associate exam questions. The Examskit MD-102 exam practice test questions are designed and approved by experience and qualified MD-102 exam trainers. They put all their efforts, expertise and experience and ensure the top standard of Examskit MD-102 exam practice test questions all the time. So, you rest assured that with our Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam practice test questions you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the actual MD-102 exam with flying colours. == Type of Examskit MD-102 Exam Practice Test Questions Formats == The Examskit MD-102 exam practice test questions are being presented into three different formats. The names of these formats are Examskit MD-102 web based practice test software, desktop practice test software and PDF dumps file. All these Microsoft MD-102 exam practice test questions contain real, valid and error free MD-102 exam questions that are designed to prepare you instantly for the actual Modern Desktop Administrator Associate exam. The Examskit MD-102 PDF dumps file is the collection of real Microsoft MD-102 exam questions that are being presented in PDF format. You can download Examskit] MD-102 PDF real dumps on your desktop computer and laptop and start MD-102 exam preparation right now. We are quite confident that with our Examskit MD-102 PDF real dumps you will get everything that you need to learn, prepare and pass the challenging Microsoft MD-102 exam with good scores. '''Try Latest Version'''  '''''' == Top Features of Examskit MD-102 Practice Test Software == Whereas the Examskit MD-102 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software are concerned both are the mock MD-102 exam. With the Examskit MD-102 desktop practice test software and web based practice test software you get an opportunity to find real Microsoft MD-102 exam environment for instant and deep insight Modern Desktop Administrator Associate exam preparation. The Examskit MD-102 desktop practice test software works with all devices and operating systems. You can download our Endpoint Administrator MD-102 desktop practice test software on desktop computer and laptop and start this exam preparation journey today. Whereas the Examskit MD-102 web based practice test software is concerned you can run our web based mock MD-102 exam on any web browser and start MD-102 exam preparation without wasting further time. === Download Examskit MD-102 Exam Dumps and Start This Journey === To learn new in demand skills and upgrade knowledge the earning the credential of '''[ Microsoft MD-102 exam]''' is the best choice. Take the right step of your career and get registered in Endpoint Administrator MD-102 certification exam and start MD-102 exam preparation with the real and updated Examskit MD-102 exam practice test questions. The Examskit MD-102 PDF dumps file, desktop practice test software and web based practice test software all are ready for instant download. Just choose the best one Examskit MD-102 exam real questions format and download the same after paying an affordable Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam practice test questions charges. If you want to test the quality and features of our Endpoint Administrator MD-102 exam real questions than download our free MD-102 exam questions trail version. The demo Examskit MD-102 exam practice test questions facility is being offered in all three formats. You can download any Examskit MD-102 exam questions format free of cost. After downloading test our Examskit MD-102 exam questions quality and features and if you think that our MD-102 exam questions can assist you any mean download our paid premium quality Examskit MD-102 exam questions and start this journey with confidence. Best of Luck!!!             h confidence. Best of Luck!!!             )
  • Cui-cui  + (== <u>Les timers de l'Arduino :</== Les timers de l'Arduino : Le timer0 : 8 bits, utilisé par les fonctions delay(), millis() et micros(). Il commande également des PWM (Pulse Width Modulation ou Modulat ion par Largeur d’Impulsion) sur les broches 5 et 6. Le timer1 : 16 bits, qui compte de 0 à 65535 (0 à FFFF en hexadécimal) et qui est utilisé par la bibliothèque Servo ou bien pour de la PWM sur les broches 9 et 10. Le timer2 : 8 bits, qui est utilisé par la fonction Tone() ou bien pour de la PWM sur les broches 3 et 11. Pour utiliser les deux sorties PWM du timer 2 : *activer le bit WGM20 du registre TCCR2A pour configurer le compteur en mode « PWM, Phase Correct » : TCCR2A [barre verticale]= _BV(WGM20) *activer les bits COM2A1 et COM2B1 pour activer les sorties 3 et 11. Dans ce mode les sorties sont hautes quand le compteur passe à zéro et basses quand le compteur atteint OC2A et OC2B respectivement.o et basses quand le compteur atteint OC2A et OC2B respectivement.)
  • CCSK Certification  + (== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''C== '''About CCSK Certification:''' == '''Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)''' is a generally recognized expertise standard that was launched in 2010 by the '''Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)'''. The CCSK is the industry-leading standard for measuring cloud security skills. Recently, the CCSK has been proposed as the most valuable IT certification. CSA provides the best possible guidance to its members and the information security community at large. It is intended to demonstrate the changing landscape of cloud computing security. This course includes the latest version of CCSK i.e. 4.0. This course will introduce participants to different modules compared to cloud security and knowledge security from a governmental, legal, and compliance perspective. Associates will learn the technical details of implementing security. This CCSK course will also make it easier for participants to prepare for the [ '''CCSK certification exam''']. == '''About the Cloud Security Alliance:''' == Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is the main worldwide association focused on recognizing and bringing issues to light of best practices to guarantee a protected distributed computing climate. CSA provides the subject matter expertise of industry professionals, associations, governments, and their corporate and individual members to enable research, education, certifications, events, and specific cloud security products. CSA's activities, knowledge, and exceptional network benefit the entire cloud affected community, from vendors and customers to governments, business, and the insurance industry, and provide a forum in which multiple people can work together to create and maintain a committed cloud environment. == '''How is the CCSK certification different from other IT certifications?''' == CCSK is one of the few certifications that focus specifically on cloud security. Many other IT degrees take a general approach to security topics or have a deep level of position in another area in the field of information security, digital forensics, reverse engineering, etc. Instead, the CCSK is designed to assess knowledge of applying cloud security tools, techniques, and methods to cloud computing. Due attention is given to drawing attention to the points where cloud computing needs a different form of security. CCSK isn't the only cloud-focused certification available. Cloud service providers and other certification organizations have developed many other certifications to assess candidates' knowledge of cloud computing concepts and technology. However, CCSK focus on cloud security helps set it apart from these other certifications. == '''Should I take a CCSK exam?''' == The CCSK is designed to allow cloud security professionals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in this specific area. Roughly speaking, the test content focuses on cloud computing, theory, and the tools and techniques required to successfully secure it. The CCSK exam experience requirements mean that it is not an excellent option for those just out of college looking to major in cloud computing. The five-year IT terms show that the test is intended for intermediate-level security professionals, not beginners. On the other hand, if you need to get into the realm of cloud security, this test might be for you. If you have the experience except for a cloud security background, consider looking for [ Certified Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)]. This allows you to let go of the need to try CCSK cloud security and use certification to make it easier for you to get a job in the field. Hence, we see that everyone new to Cloud Security can choose CCSK, and for all IT professionals who are already working in the field, CCSK is a golden opportunity. You could do much worse than focus on cloud security as your primary direction of career development and enhancement. Willingness to leap mainly depends on meeting reasonable expectations that cloud computing should be safe and secure. Providing the expertise and knowledge to meet those expectations cannot fail to be a great hook on which to suspend the future of IT. === '''Conclusion''' === Having a CSA certification is not a guarantee of employment or job security, but companies prefer certified knowledge that resources possess when they join their company. Seller neutral testimonials tend to make sense because they open up a more inclusive market rather than specific seller markets. But this depends on your condition. People with less experience should start with the basic certification and obtain other, more advanced, and specific degrees. Eligible candidates can seek specialization as their expertise can help them add more value to cloud security.elp them add more value to cloud security.)
  • AWS SAA-C02 Braindumps - All About The SAA-C02 Exam  + (== '''Are You Ready For AWS Certified Solu== '''Are You Ready For AWS Certified Solutions Architect? ''' == Since the IT industry is in a never-ending progressive stage, you need to be up-to-date as well. More and more Professionals are taking certification exams to validate their skills. While there is still a need for IT professionals with validated skills in the market. You have a chance to upscale your credentials and add value to your resume. AWS Certified Associate Certification is one of the best choices in this respect. To get certified aspiring candidates are expected to have hands-on experience. You also need to pass SAA-C02 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam in order to get certified. Worried about preparation? Don’t be Grades4Sure got you covered.
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    == '''Why Choose AWS Certified Associate Certification as a Career? ''' == Amazon Web Services is a globally recognized company offering its esteemed services all over the world. Having one of its certifications, especially [ AWS Certified Associate] Certification on your resume will not only add value but also show your dedication towards your job. The certification validates that you have the skills required by experts. Also, that you contribute to the organization’s progress and productivity for the larger part. These are all the skills that an employer looks for while hiring employees. Plus, the professionals who have passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam are earning more than others who haven’t.  This is your chance to improve your skills and get them recognized all over the industry. Apply for the exam and leave the preparation to SAA-C02 Dumps Questions Answers. These well-organized Dumps Questions are designed to get you familiarized with your exam. Also, to introduce you to methods that assure passing in the first attempt.  
    == '''Tips and Tricks to Pass SAA-C02 Exam in Just One Attempt  ''' == Its takes more than just applying and preparing for the exam when it comes to getting AWS Certified Associate Certification Certified. This means you need proper concentration, manner and will to continue. Amazon Web Services AWS Certified Solutions Architect might become hard for you once you realize how much effort it takes. So, here are some tips and tricks that’ll help you plan out a perfect training:
    == '''Prepare your SAA-C02 Exam Questions with Proper Info ''' == Before starting your training remember to go through the prerequisites and topics you need to cover. It’ll be all fruitless if you aren’t even eligible to take the exam. As AWS Certified Solutions Architect also follows a certain pattern and criteria if you are familiar with that it will become easier to take the exam. Take Grades4Sure SAA-C02 Practice Test Questions PDF, for example, these are expertly curated to reflect the same format as the real exam. So, the candidate is used to the exam’s format and with this your chances at passing increase. 
    == '''Get Latest SAA-C02 Practice Questions that Expert Recommend ''' == For the next step, gather your resources wisely. There are tons of study material available online but not all are worth it. A favorable tip for searching is going to peers. Talk to the people who have already taken the exam. Ask them about SAA-C02 test guides, PDFs, etc they used. See if it works for you as well.  A name that I have seen come up more often is Grades4Sure. These guys apparently have a team of experts that make sure the SAA-C02 Practice Test Questions are up-to-date and valid. Then they confirm the accuracy with professionals and get their approval. Try SAA-C02 Exam Practice Questions if you want success in less time.
    == '''SAA-C02 Practice Test: Aim for All the Right Skills    ''' == Finally, make sure the test material you choose is giving you all the things I’m about to tell you. Buy the SAA-C02 Practice Test only after testing the free demo with sample questions. Then you’ll know they are relevant to the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam topics.  Time Management is very important, so if you can test your preparation through SAA-C02 practice tests that’ll be great. You will learn to understand the questions as well as analyze your choices to pick the right answer. Lastly, revisit and revise. Grades4Sure support all the mentioned features and with regular reports help you track your progress and mistakes. So, you can overcome them and take your exam with confidence.  Choosing the right test material impacts overall performance. So, choose wisely and better if you give my suggestions an open-minded consideration. That’s it, good luck preparing for success! For more info please visit the link below:
    isit the link below:
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